The Space Between
1) What is "The Space Between"?
"The Space Between" is a novella (about 40,000 words), written by Diana Gabaldon, that tells the story of young Ian's brother Michael, Marsali's sister Joan, and the Comte St. Germain (no, he's not dead!). It takes place in Paris in 1778.
It's a very enjoyable story with LOTS of potential for speculation!
2) Where can I find it?
The answer to that question is a little complicated. It depends on where you live. There are currently several different ways you can get "The Space Between":

a) The standalone e-book edition of "The Space Between" was published in the US and Canada on April 15, 2014. Look here for details.

b) If you live in the US, you can get "The Space Between" as part of an anthology (a collection of stories by many different authors) called THE MAD SCIENTIST'S GUIDE TO WORLD DOMINATION, edited by John Joseph Adams, which was published in the US on February 19, 2013.

c) "The Space Between" is one of the four stories in Diana Gabaldon's story collection, A TRAIL OF FIRE, which was published on November 8, 2012, in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. You can order A TRAIL OF FIRE from Amazon UK, or from the Poisoned Pen bookstore in Arizona if you want an autographed copy. For more information about A TRAIL OF FIRE, see the FAQ page here.
3) Who are Michael and Joan? Have they been mentioned in the OUTLANDER books?
Michael is Ian Murray's red-headed older brother. Joan is Marsali's younger sister. We saw both of them, briefly, in AN ECHO IN THE BONE.
4) How can I get an autographed copy of THE MAD SCIENTIST'S GUIDE TO WORLD DOMINATION or A TRAIL OF FIRE?
You can order autographed copies of all of Diana Gabaldon's books, including THE MAD SCIENTIST'S GUIDE TO WORLD DOMINATION and A TRAIL OF FIRE, from the Poisoned Pen bookstore, in Scottsdale, Arizona. This is Diana's local bookstore, and they ship all over the world. Their staff is very friendly and knowledgeable about Diana's books.
5) Is there an audio version of "The Space Between"?

The audiobook of "The Space Between" is for download from It's 4 hours and 13 minutes long (by far the longest audiobook of any of Diana Gabaldon's novellas so far), and it's narrated by Davina Porter, who does the narration for the OUTLANDER audiobooks.
6) Where can I go to discuss "The Space Between"?
There is an in-depth discussion of the story in Diana Gabaldon's section of the Compuserve Books and Writers Community. The thread is here.