THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION by Ken Burns coming in November!

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I just found out that Ken Burns will have a new documentary on PBS later this year: THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION!

From the press release:
THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION examines how America’s founding turned the world upside-down. Thirteen British colonies on the Atlantic Coast rose in rebellion, won their independence, and established a new form of government that radically reshaped the continent and inspired centuries of democratic movements around the globe.

An expansive look at the virtues and contradictions of the war and the birth of the United States of America, the film follows dozens of figures from a wide variety of backgrounds. Viewers will experience the war through the memories of the men and women who experienced it: the rank-and-file Continental soldiers and American militiamen (some of them teenagers), Patriot political and military leaders, British Army officers, American Loyalists, Native soldiers and civilians, enslaved and free African Americans, German soldiers in the British service, French and Spanish allies, and various civilians living in North America, Loyalist as well as Patriot, including many made refugees by the war. The American Revolution was a war for independence, a civil war, and a world war. It impacted millions – from Canada to the Caribbean and beyond.
This 6-part series will be shown Nov. 16 - 21, 2025 on PBS. (I have no information on whether it might be shown outside the US.)

I can't wait! I've enjoyed all of Ken Burns' previous documentaries and I'm sure this one will be excellent. And what a treat for OUTLANDER fans who want to know more about the historical background!


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