Which of Diana Gabaldon's books are you currently reading or listening to?

Outlander book collection

It's been awfully quiet around here lately, so I thought I'd ask you all a question:

Which of Diana Gabaldon's books or stories are you currently reading or listening to?

I am re-listening to MOHB at the moment (in part to refresh my memory in anticipation of the second half of Season 7 coming in November!) and today I'll listen to the wonderful chapter where Jamie and Claire are reunited at Bartram's Gardens. <g> I love that scene!

What about the rest of you? Just curious. Please leave a comment here or on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page. If you are taking a break from reading/listening to Diana's books for a while, that's fine, of course, just let us know that.


  1. The Hudson Highlanders aka The Book Goddess Groupies, my group, is reading Bees. We are zooming tomorrow to discuss the beginning of Part Four, A Journey of a Thousand Miles.
  2. I am currently listening to ABOSA chapter 112 Oath Breaker and have so many questions but avoiding to search the answers!! I am so sucked into these characters, that I almost feel I know them and are part of my life! Is it strange that this book so far is the one that has brought up the strongest emotions in me?
  3. Anonymous - No, I don't think that's strange at all! You're very close to the end of ABOSAA, and that book ALWAYS leaves me sort of emotionally exhausted by the end. "Haven't they been through enough in this book already??" That sort of thing. I think it's a perfectly normal reaction.

  4. The audio book format of Bees because there was not a wait for it with my local library.
  5. Just finished MOHB earlier today! Probably my 3rd time reading it. I immediately looked for the digital copy of Bees, but there's a 5 week wait!
  6. I'm rereading Outlander, Book 1 since a friend wanted to borrow it. It was simply to refresh my memory after reading all 9 books and sure enough, I was captured again!

    I hadn't remembered how the various characters were introduced, like Dougal, Colum, Geile Duncan, Ned, and how complex and confusing the MacKenzie-Fraser family history was.

    Loyalties, suspicions, plots, subterfuge all unfolded as I went deeper into the book, never expecting to actually read the whole thing again. But I am. And I'm marveling at Diana's method of seamlessly moving the action and passion forward.
  7. I'm into my second reading of the books. Dragonfly in Amber. I'm up to page 677. I'm savoring it this time through. I don't want to miss a thing.
  8. I have just dipped in to Seven Stones to Stand or Fall again and reread A Fugitive Green, realising how young Hal was - in fact, of a similar age to Jamie, about 24. Such a good back story about the Greys and set at the same time that the Frasers are in Paris trying to thwart the Bonnie Prince. I also reread The Custom of the Army (dedicated to you Karen) and was reminded, as I was in a Fugitive Green, about the scandal surrounding the death of of Hal and John’s father. My next task will be to reread Brotherhood of the Blade where John gets to the bottom of the mystery. I will do a few other LJG books as well and will cross reference with the companion books. These are such a good resource for double checking Outlander Universe facts and musing on Diana’s brilliant, creative mind and her general philosophy of life and human foibles.
    Alison S
  9. I have just dipped in to Seven Stones to Stand or Fall again and reread A Fugitive Green, realising how young Hal was - in fact, of a similar age to Jamie, about 24. Such a good back story about the Greys and set at the same time that the Frasers are in Paris trying to thwart the Bonnie Prince. I also reread The Custom of the Army (dedicated to you Karen) and was reminded, as I was in a Fugitive Green, about the scandal surrounding the death of of Hal and John’s father. My next task will be to reread Brotherhood of the Blade where John gets to the bottom of the mystery. I will do a few other LJG books as well and will cross reference with the companion books. These are such a good resource for double checking Outlander Universe facts and musing on Diana’s brilliant, creative mind and her general philosophy of life and human foibles.
    Alison S

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