OUTLANDER Timeline has been updated!

Diana Gabaldon announced today that the OUTLANDER Timeline on her German website has been updated!
This is on the Official German Website, run by my wonderful German translator, Barbara Schnell, who not only wrote and (with her son-in-law, Alex) updated and redesigned everything, but provided both a German _and_ an English version!
German version: https://dgabaldon.de/timeline-der-ereignisse/
English version: https://dgabaldon.de/timelineenglish/
For those of you who don't know, this timeline was originally created in 2012 by Barbara Schnell, Diana's German translator and longtime friend. I helped with some of the dates on the original version.
The Timeline has now been brought up to date, to include events from MOHB and BEES! I'm delighted to see that, and I hope people find it useful. Many thanks to Barbara Schnell and her son-in-law Alex for putting it together for us!
If you find the text difficult to read, there's a link at the very bottom of the page to a PDF version.
Please help spread the word to anyone you know who may be interested.