Season 8 update

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Production of OUTLANDER Season 8 is finally getting under way! Sam Heughan shared this image on Instagram yesterday.

Sam Heughan Instagram Season 8 prep

Multiple sources have reported that filming of Season 8 will start in March.

For those of you who don't know, Season 8 will be the last season of OUTLANDER, and it will focus on GO TELL THE BEES THAT I AM GONE, Book 9 in the OUTLANDER series. This final season will be 10 episodes long, so they will likely be filming for much of 2024. I'm guessing that means we won't see Season 8 on TV until 2025.

In the meantime, we can look forward to the second half of Season 7 (episodes 709-716) airing on STARZ sometime in 2024. Those episodes were completed months ago, but we don't yet know exactly when we'll get to see them. As soon as they announce the exact premiere date, I'll post it here.


  1. Hi Karen,
    I love your blog. It summaries the TV episodes so well and reminds us regularly that the original wiring was a comprehensive book series which is full of humour, excellent writing, history, wisdom, love and much more.
    Do you happen to know if season 7 is coming out in DVD form in two instalments or only one - at the end? I can find no information about this anywhere.
  2. Hi Alison,

    I don't have any information about the Blu-ray/DVD release for Season 7. I don't know if they are planning to release it in two parts (like Season 1) or not. If I find out anything specific, I'll post it here.

  3. Bonjour,
    Je suis Viviane, de France et je ne parle ni écrit en anglais mais j'ai beaucoup de plaisir à lire les commentaires de chacun sur Outlander, ou de l'auteur Diane Gabaldon. J'aime lire ce que vous écrivez et si vous permettez, de ma Bretagne, je continuerai à vous lire et comme Alison, je suis intéressée à savoir quand sortira en France, le DVD de la Saison7.
    Je vous remercie, cordialement

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