Very interesting video interview with Diana Gabaldon

I just stumbled across this very interesting, in-depth video interview with Diana Gabaldon, posted on YouTube by Alex Banks, aka @bookswithbanks8943. It's an hour long, covering a wide range of topics, and including a few tidbits of news we hadn't heard before. Here are some of the highlights:

Starting at 3:20 into the video, Diana gives an update on the Brian/Ellen prequel story she's working on:

The prequel is actually three books, fairly short ones. And that's because of thie history of the way the first Jacobite Rising fell out. It falls naturally into three historical and geographical periods. So I thought, for the sake of readers, I would try to put it in three smaller books, rather than one huge book. That way they don't have to wait so long.

Diana says THE BLACK CHAMBER (the next Lord John book) is in the "fiddling around stage", only bits and pieces at this point. Also, the OUTLANDISH COMPANION Volume III is "kind of on the bottom of this heap right now".

18:26 - For those of you who have been asking about the mass market (small size) paperback of GO TELL THE BEES THAT I AM GONE, here's an update:

Unfortunately, there will not be a mass-market paperback in the US. [....] They have very few distribution outlets for mass-market paperbacks these days, and so they decided it was not [economically feasible] to do that.

HOWEVER, Diana added that the Canadian publisher intends to release a mass market paperback edition of BEES!

For more information about this, see my blog post HERE.

26:35 - Diana talks about reading Eric Linklater's book THE PRINCE IN THE HEATHER. (For those of you who were not sure if that book, mentioned in DRAGONFLY IN AMBER and VOYAGER, was real or fictional, yes, the book and the author are real!)

30:38  - Whose story is it, Claire's or Jamie's?

This is Jamie and Claire's story. [Despite all the "strong woman" talk since the show started, about how this is Claire's story] No, it's actually Jamie's story. Claire's just telling it. Naturally it's their story, together, but it's not, you know, a feminist tract, or anything like that.

51:27 - Diana talks in general terms about how she came up with the way time-travel works in the books.

55:46 - Any chance she might write anything set during the French Revolution?

We might, because at this point we actually have members of the ensemble who are in France, whose lives might be at risk at that point."

Joan and Michael, perhaps?? Just speculation, but it's possible.

I thoroughly enjoyed this interview and I highly recommend it! Please pass this on to anyone else you know who may be interested.


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