No new episode of OUTLANDER on August 4th

New Season 7 key art

For those of you who haven't heard:

There will NOT be a new episode of OUTLANDER on Friday, August 4, 2023!

Episode 708 (the final episode of the first half of Season 7) will air on STARZ on Friday, August 11, 2023.

STARZ will be running a MEN IN KILTS marathon on the evening of August 4th instead of a new episode of OUTLANDER.

In case you're wondering, no, this is not unusual. They have done it a few times before, skipping a week on purpose in order to generate "buzz" or drive up ratings for the following episode.

Please help spread the word. Thanks!


  1. Thanks for the reminder, Karen! You are an Outlandish treasure. Slàinte. 🕊
  2. 😮😧😖😭
    I didn't know that!
  3. Unacceptable, we are paying for this and then you are breaking the series when people are looking forward to it. Men in Kilts can be shown at a different time or day!!!!!
  4. I wish STARZ would let us pay in advance for all of the Outlander episodes in a season so we could watch when we want and not have to wait a week. I hate having to wait a week, and now 2 weeks for the last one. (Thank you for the recaps. Sometimes I don't understand exactly what was happening and I find out when I read your comments. Thanks!)
  5. Outlander has taken time traveling to a whole new level…disappearing for another half a year after just returning from a multi-year hiatus. In fact, those mysterious stones produced a vanishing act for this week’s episode for absolutely no legitimate reason.

    While this series is taking bows for producing 16 new episodes stretched across two calendar years, I still remember popular hour long series’ with twice as many original episodes per year. Outlander only has to journey back a few decades to learn how to prevent its shrinking audience from losing the storyline to obscurity.
  6. Its a fraude, we specting the 708 and you put another series. Respecto the People. For this you can loose the few People look this channel.. Its not the first time you do this, if the personas doesnt want to se that, why you obligarte them.

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.