Trade paperback of BEES coming September 13 in US and Canada!

The trade paperback (large size) edition of Diana Gabaldon's novel, GO TELL THE BEES THAT I AM GONE, Book 9 in the OUTLANDER series, is now available for pre-order. It will be released in the US and Canada on September 13, 2022.

You can pre-order the BEES paperback here:
Barnes & Noble
Poisoned Pen bookstore (autographed copies)
For those of you who don't know, the Poisoned Pen is Diana Gabaldon's local independent bookstore, and they ship all over the world.
Look here for links to other places where you can find the book.
Please help spread the word to anyone you know who may be interested.
For more information about GO TELL THE BEES THAT I AM GONE, see my Book 9 FAQ page.