Standalone e-book of "A Fugitive Green" coming July 26

The standalone e-book version of Diana Gabaldon's novella, "A Fugitive Green", is now available for pre-order for $3.99. It will be released in the US and Canada on July 26, 2022.
For those of you who don't know, "A Fugitive Green" was published in 2017 as part of Diana Gabaldon's story collection, SEVEN STONES TO STAND OR FALL. This story takes place in 1744. It tells the story of how Lord John's brother Hal and his wife Minnie first met.
Here's the publisher's description of this story:
In which a 17-year-old apprentice dealer in rare books is sent from Paris to England by her father, to obtain incunabula and medieval books of devotion - and whatever secrets of political intrigue or finance may come to hand in the process. In the course of her business, though, Minnie meets Harold Grey (Lord John’s elder brother), the newly-widowed (and alarmingly deranged) Duke of Pardloe, and things fall out.
Also, Jamie Fraser makes a brief cameo appearance!
You can pre-order "A Fugitive Green" here:
Or look here for links to other ways to download the e-book.
Please note, I have no information about the availability of a standalone e-book of this story outside the US and Canada.
For those of you who prefer the audiobooks: the standalone audiobook of "A Fugitive Green", narrated by Jeff Woodman, was released in 2017. You can download it from Audible or Amazon.
"A Fugitive Green" is a terrific story, and I really enjoyed it. I'm glad more people will have access to it now. Please help spread the word to anyone you know who may be interested.
Alison S