Season 7 Casting: Rachel and Denzell Hunter

STARZ has announced the casting of two characters who will play important roles in Season 7: Rachel and Denzell Hunter.
Joey Phillips will play Denzell Hunter, a Quaker doctor. He is on Twitter at @joeyphillips92.
Izzy Meikle-Small will play Denny's sister Rachel. She is on Twitter at @izzy_meikle.
Welcome to Joey and Izzy! Rachel and Denny are terrific characters and I'm looking forward to seeing them both on screen in Season 7.
My first thought on seeing Izzy Meikle-Small: Her eyebrows are distinctive (but in a good way), just like Book Rachel's:
“Thee is a rooster, William,” Rachel said mournfully. “I saw this in thee before, but now I know it for certain.”
“A rooster,” he repeated coldly, brushing dirt from his sleeve. “Indeed. A vain, crowing, gaudy sort of fellow—that’s what you think me?”
Her brows went up. They were not the level brows of classic beauty; they quirked up at the ends, even when her face was at rest, giving her a look of interested intelligence. When she was not at rest, they slanted with a sharp, wicked sort of look. They did this for an instant now, but then relaxed. A little.
(From WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART'S BLOOD by Diana Gabaldon, Chapter 89, "One Day, Cock of the Walk--Next Day, a Feather Duster". Copyright© 2014 by Diana Gabaldon. All rights reserved.)
Joey Phillips doesn't resemble my mental image of Denny except around the eyes, but I trust the casting people. They've done a superb job so far!
You can see the official announcement here.