A Whirlwind Video Tour of OUTLANDER Locations

I'm delighted to be able to announce the release of this 8-minute video, produced for Audible.com:

Every Major OUTLANDER Location, Mapped

This covers the first 8 books only, so no BEES spoilers!

This is a sort of whirlwind tour of as many of the major locations as possible (and quite a few of the minor ones as well) that were featured in the first 8 OUTLANDER books.

And now that it's out, I can finally tell you that I was the official researcher and fact-checker on this project!

I was contacted a couple of months ago by the small production company that Audible hired to put this together. They were looking for someone with detailed knowledge of the locations (real and fictional) mentioned in the OUTLANDER books.  So naturally I said I'd be glad to help. 

I put together a comprehensive list of at least 85 locations, with brief quotes for each location.  I also provided most of the descriptions of the places that you hear in the narration, and helped to place the locations in (more or less) chronological order.

I'm just delighted with the way this came out, and I really hope you enjoy it!

UPDATE 12/4/2021 10:26 am: The video description has been updated to add this:

Special thanks to Karen Henry for sharing her unparalleled knowledge of Outlander with us during the making of this video.


  1. This was so amazing g to watch in such a short time. Well done!
  2. Great job, Karen! Talk about a whirlwind tour.

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.