Tara Bennett, author of the two-volume set of THE MAKING OF OUTLANDER books, announced on Twitter yesterday that the publisher has decided not to do any more of them.

This is disappointing news. I enjoyed the two-volume set, and I was hoping they would do one for Seasons 5 and 6, eventually. Oh, well. 

You can still order these books if you're interested:

THE MAKING OF OUTLANDER: The Official Guide to Seasons 1 & 2

Barnes & Noble
Poisoned Pen (autographed copies, will ship worldwide) 

THE MAKING OF OUTLANDER: The Official Guide to Seasons 3 & 4

Barnes & Noble
Poisoned Pen (autographed copies, will ship worldwide) 


  1. Ah must have been under a rock. Didn’t know about the second book
  2. Oh no! I actually have 2 copies of the second book! I’m surprised that with more people watching on Netflix and Amazon prime that more people aren’t buying the books. I’m betting that they don’t even know they exist! Maybe we should bombard social media! ( this from a 66 year old woman who is not computer savvy!). Hope things improve because I love all the behind the scenes pictures and how everything was made. Good luck!
  3. *heads for to buy the second book*

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.