December poll results

Here are the results of the December poll, which asked the question, "What is your favorite gift from the OUTLANDER books?"
- 19.21% - The medicine box Jamie gave Claire for their anniversary
- 19.21% - Fergus's last name
- 14.26% - The pearl necklace Jamie gave Claire on their wedding day.
- 10.95% - Claire's silver wedding ring
- 9.30% - Adso the kitten
- 8.26% - Brianna's photos
- 6.40% - The poison ivy bouquet
- 4.34% - The cherrywood snake Jamie's brother made for him
- 4.13% - The rosary Jamie gave Willie as a farewell gift
- 2.89% - The vrooms Roger made for the children
- 0.41% - The dachshund puppy Stephan von Namtzen gave Lord John.
- 0.62% - Other