October poll results

Here are the results of the October poll, which asked the question, "What do you think of the Lord John books and stories?"
  • 41.15% - I love them!
  • 18.29% - I enjoy them, but I prefer to read about Jamie and Claire.
  • 7.55% - They're an integral part of the overall series.
  • 7.16% - I haven't read the Lord John books, but I enjoy watching David Berry play him on the TV show.
  • 6.76% - They add a lot of depth to his character.
  • 6.16% - I started reading them after seeing what a major role he played in the main OUTLANDER series.
  • 3.38% - I haven't read any of them yet, but I'm planning to.
  • 2.19% - I like seeing a different side of 18th century life than we get in the OUTLANDER books.
  • 2.19% - I think they're boring.
  • 1.39% - I wish Diana would quit writing about him.
  • 0.80% - I'm not interested in reading about a gay character.
  • 0.20% - I'm new to OUTLANDER and haven't encountered Lord John yet.
  • 2.78% - Other
There were 503 responses to this month's poll. Thanks very much to everyone who participated!

Please take a moment to vote in the November poll, which asks, "How long have you been reading Diana Gabaldon's books?"


  1. Hi Karen , I love the books I never stop reading them I like the tvseries , but love the books better , there is so much in them , also , readers can create scenes in their own minds and you get more story , only in Oct &Dec , I don't read Outlander , I read a book a month , will be reading "Echo In the Bone ' in Nov. please post more soon. Happy Week. Loving Outlander, Sincerely .
  2. Hi Karen , I started reading Outlander in June of 2000 , the Harry Potter craze was going on and had just read book 4 in that series , but loved Scottish historical fiction and a friend who worked with me at Barnes & Noble told me that Outlander would be 'right up my alley ' so not only did I buy the first book I bought all 7 books in the series , I started reading that night , it drew you in from the start and when I found myself reading Outlander far into the night several times I knew I had found a very special series , by the time I got to "Drums " I was hooked and a big fan , now I have 20 copies of each book in my library , plus special editions and every year in June I re-reading 'OUtlander ' as sort of an anniversary of falling in love with a very special series and discovering a very special author Diana Gabaldon. please post more soon. Happy Weekend. Loving Outlander. Sincerely .

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.