"Past Prologue" standalone e-book is now available!

Diana Gabaldon's story, "Past Prologue", co-written with Steve Berry, is now available as a standalone e-book in the US and Canada!
This story, originally published in 2017 in an anthology called MATCHUP, features both Steve Berry's character Cotton Malone, and....Jamie Fraser!
You can download it here:
Barnes & Noble
The e-book costs only 99 cents in the US, $1.99 in Canada. Well worth it, in my opinion, for a terrific story with plenty for OUTLANDER fans to speculate about.
I thoroughly enjoyed this story, and I think it's a must-read for OUTLANDER fans! Just like "A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows", this story packs a lot of action and a great deal of intriguing fodder for speculation into a small space, and I thought it was a very entertaining ride. Highly recommended!
If you're a little nervous about the fact that this story was co-written with another author, really, don't worry about it! From the very first lines of "Past Prologue", Diana Gabaldon's "voice" comes through very clearly.
I was wondering how much of the story Diana Gabaldon actually wrote, so I asked her for more details. As she explained on Facebook on June 13, 2017:
Steve and I brainstormed a bit over the phone as to what kind of scenario might work as the general premise and circumstance of the story. Then I actually wrote it, engineering the plot and action, defining/creating all the minor characters, and doing all of the dialogue involving Jamie. (For Cotton Malone, I roughed in dialogue and/or put in things in square brackets, like "[witty remark indicating that he doesn't believe her but is sexually attracted to her.]".) Understanding being that Steve would adjust any of Cotton's dialogue or action in accordance with the character--so essentially, we each did our own character's dialogue. I did the original dialogue for the other characters, and Steve tweaked it where necessary.I'm glad more people will have access to this story now. Please help spread the word to anyone you know who might be interested.
So I drafted the whole story, then Steve went through and refined/tightened the plot, did Cotton's dialogue and action, and moved the narrative writing slightly more toward a thriller style (though you'll still see my voice throughout).
I went through Steve's version and tweaked a few things, and then he did the final pass--in which he decided to shift the whole thing into the present tense. I'm fine with that--but it's probably the biggest change people will see from my style, as I don't think I've ever written anything in present tense.
But you'll see Jamie as written by me alone (bar the tense <g>), and Cotton as per Steve. (Now, I will warn you that we constructed the story with Cotton as the main protagonist, because Jamie doesn't time-travel, so you'll see more of him--but you will get an interesting addition to Jamie's part of the Outlander story.)
Neither Amazon nor Barns & Noble let you purchase the eBook if you're from anywhere but America.
And that makes me just... incredibly sad.
If anyone knows of any way to get a hold of Past Prologue for those in Europe, please, please let me know! I'd be very grateful.