October poll results

Here are the results of the October poll, which asked the question, "Which NEW character are you most looking forward to seeing in OUTLANDER Season 4?"
- 24.17% - Rollo
- 13.06% - Jocasta Cameron
- 11.34% - Stephen Bonnet
- 5.04% - Lizzie Wemyss
- 4.93% - Nayawenne (aka Adawehi)
- 1.72% - Phaedre
- 1.60% - The White Sow
- 1.15% - Ulysses
- 0.11% - Governor Tryon
- 33.10% - All of the above
- 0.46% - I'm not interested in the OUTLANDER TV series.
- 3.32% - Other
Please take a moment to vote in the November poll, which asks, "How long have you been reading Diana Gabaldon's books?"