How long have you been reading Diana Gabaldon's books?

Outlander book collection

The topic for my November poll is, "How long have you been reading Diana Gabaldon's books?"

Please take a moment to vote, and feel free to leave a comment here or on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page to explain your choice, or tell the story of how you found the books.

I discovered OUTLANDER in November 2006, so it's been almost 12 years for me. (You can see the story of how I found the books here.) What about the rest of you?


  1. Between 8 and 10 years.
    I started with Dragonfly, then read Outlander and understood everything!!!
  2. I had picked up a paperback copy of Outlander while living on the west coast. My sis came to visit and wanted something to read on the flight home. I tossed the book to her “don’t know what this is about but it looked good.” The next day she called me “that book, THAT BOOK! We have been reading them together ever since.
  3. Hi Karen I first discovered Outlander in June of 2010 and a friend of mine worked in Barnes and Noble and knew that I liked Historic Fiction and Scottish history and told me that Outlander would be prefect for me so I bought the whole series and books and I was hesitant at first at reading it because they were so big and long , but once I got into the first book and found myself reading far into the night several times I knew I had found a very special series by the time I got to "Drums of Autumn ' and 'The Fiery Cross ' I knew I was hooked and the Starz TV Series only made it greater so now I'm a Big Super fans and when Book #9 comes out I will be devowering that also will be watching season 4 on premier night can't wait . please post more soon. Happy Outlander Week. Sincerely .
  4. A friend gave me Crossstitch in 2000. She bought it because she thought it had something to do with embroidery (we are embroiderers).I loved it immediately & have read it and the other books many times since. Serendipity!!
  5. At least 10 years. A friend of mine gave me a mass paperback copy of Outlander and l was hooked from then on.
  6. I start to read the first Book in 1999 , on my Honymoon.And now 2018,i don't know how much i read this Books, yes all of them again and again...😍 Diana Gaboldon brought me to write Books by my self and i'm happy with that 😘
  7. My coworker introduced me to the books in 1999. I read through the whole first 3 books and then held my breath for book 4. Every time a new book is published I reread the entire series before reading the new one.
  8. I discovered Gaelic culture on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia (Latin for New Scotland) in the autumn of 1993 during my year-long (mostly camping) trip touring the USA and Canada. While camping in Baddeck to visit the Alexander Graham Bell NHS, I was invited to a ceilidh and was captivated by the music. It was also the first time I saw highland dancing ... Wow! The people were kind and welcoming to a fellow mountain dweller far from home, so I went to another ceilidh after completing the Cabot Trail.

    Fast forward a couple months, I was in Maine keeping Christmas with my middle sister and looking for a big book to read. Right after the new year, I would sell my car and be on a long flight to Europe where I would spend 11 months of 1994 with a backpack, a couple Eurail passes and tickets-accommodations for the Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer, Norway. I found Outlander in a used book shop and, having recently learned a bit about the beauty of the Highlands from descendants of those who were forced out, I was keen to learn more. That book was incredible and began my never ending love affair with Jamie and Claire!

    Several months into 1995, having returned from my big adventure, I bought Outlander, Dragonfly in Amber and Voyager all in hardcover. I was so thankful that I already had Voyager for "a wee keek" when I first dove into Dragonfly!

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.