What are you doing to pass the time until Season 4 premieres?

It's been a very long #Droughtlander, but the end is finally in sight!
With only a little more than two months to go until the OUTLANDER TV series resumes on November 4th, I thought a good topic for this month's poll on Outlandish Observations would be what you've been doing to pass the time while we wait. Are you reading (or re-reading) the OUTLANDER books? Watching the DVDs? Constantly scanning social media for the slightest mention of Season 4 news? Or are you focusing on other things right now?
Personally, I'm enjoying these last few weeks of relative peace and quiet before The Great Thread Explosion of 2018-19 (aka the Season 4 discussions) begins on TheLitForum.com (formerly the Compuserve Books and Writers Community), where I manage the discussions in Diana Gabaldon's section of the forum. It's going to be absolutely insane for a few months, but I'm trying not to think about that too far in advance. ("Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof," as Frank likes to say....)
Please take a moment to vote in the September poll, and feel free to leave a comment here or on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page, letting us know how you voted or sharing your favorite coping strategies for getting through #Droughtlander. Thanks!