Diana Gabaldon at Yankee Stadium Sept. 14

Diana Gabaldon practicing pitching

Well, this is unexpected news, and certainly Something Different....

Diana Gabaldon just announced on Facebook that she will be throwing out the first pitch at the Sept. 14th game between the Yankees and Blue Jays, at Yankee Stadium!

Congratulations, Diana! That's very cool, and quite an honor! Apparently the Yankees approached her publisher, Penguin Random House, and asked if she'd be willing to do it.

I just hope she doesn't tell Bree or (especially) Jem about this! Those diehard Red Sox fans might never forgive her. <g>

UPDATE 9/15/2018 9:13 am - Here's the video. Great job, Diana!


  1. Hi Karen this sounds like great fun and I hope its on Tv so that we , us fans can see Diana throw out the first Ball , I live in NY and have been to Yankee Studium many times , I hope she has great weather there will be watching , also I hope you have been voting for Outlander to win in PBS s Great American Read program , they will be announcing the winner on Sept 11 so I will be voting this weekend I hope you do too can't wait to see what that choose on the program . will be watching . please post more soon. Happy Weekend.
  2. Why am I not surprised? Diana can do anything! I'd love to see that.

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