June poll results

Here are the results of the June poll, which asked the question, "How did you discover the OUTLANDER books?"

There were 686 responses to this month's poll. Thanks very much to everyone who participated!
  • 29.88% - I started reading the books as a result of watching, or hearing about, the OUTLANDER TV series.
  • 26.53% - A friend or family member recommended the books to me.
  • 21.57% - I stumbled across them while browsing in a bookstore or library.
  • 5.25% - A friend or family member gave me a copy of OUTLANDER, saying, "Read this, you'll love it!"
  • 2.62% - I read a review in a newspaper, magazine, or online.
  • 1.60% - Someone on Facebook, Goodreads, or another online site recommended them.
  • 1.46% - Someone at my book club mentioned them.
  • 1.46% - I haven't yet read any of Diana Gabaldon's books, but I've watched the OUTLANDER TV series.
  • 1.17% - A librarian or bookstore employee recommended them.
  • 0.87% - I saw OUTLANDER on a "Recommended for You" list on Amazon or elsewhere online.
  • 7.58% - Other
I didn't vote in the poll myself, but I fall into the third category above. I found OUTLANDER completely by accident, browsing in Barnes & Noble in 2006. The full story of how I found OUTLANDER is here.

I think it's interesting to see how the percentage of people who found the OUTLANDER books as a result of the TV series has been increasing, as the show has become more popular. Here are the results from polls I've done in 2015-2018 where I included that as an option. (Click on the image for a bigger view.)

If you're one of those people who found Diana Gabaldon's books as a result of watching the TV series, or hearing about it, I'd like to hear from you!  Please leave a comment here or on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.

Please take a moment to vote in the July poll, which asks, "What do you think of the Lord John books and stories?"


  1. I too, found the books through watching the brilliant show! Now on book 7 of my second read....havw loved each book again and know I will read them a third tine as I eagerly await S4, 5 & 6 plus books 9 and 10 !! All simply brilliant and have changed my real life ❤❤❤❤ in so many positive ways 👏👏👏👏😍😍😍
  2. Hi Karen a friend introduced me to Outlander and am so greatful to her for it and haven't looked back since and now a reading "An Echo In The Bone ' and will never stop loving Outlander . please post more soon. Happy Week , Sincerely
  3. I read the first "Outlander" book when it came out and enjoyed it. I had no idea there were more book until I saw commercials for the series on starz. I now have bought all the books and the DVDs.I actually enjoy some of the differences between the books and the show. Outlander variety! It's like I now live Outlander. I read or watch almost everyday. I am always noticing things I missed. I have read all the "side" books and am fascinated by Master Raymond and hope Diana will continue that story line. But first Bees, please!!! Keep up the good work!
  4. I'm one of the people who started reading the books after watching the first season on Netflix. And I fell in love with the show, so I just wanted more.

    I love reading and my weakness is historical dramas, so it made complete sense to dive in to the books. So I read the first book, then watched season two, read the second book and then I was hit by the dreaded Droughtlander.
    The only logical thing seemed to be to read the rest of the books while I waited. The season three finally arrived.
    After that I read the Lord John series (love him!) and both the Outlandish companions.

    But now I'm all out of books and season four is so very far away.
    I might just have to read them all over again and rewatch the first three seasons (again) to keep me going like the Outlander junkie I've turned into 😂
  5. Ironic as it may seem, I was reading a dystopian novel and the character mentioned how no man could be like Jamie from the book Outlander. I had to check it out and the rest is history. ;)

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.