May poll results

Here are the results of the May poll, which asked the question, "Have you tried to get other people to read the OUTLANDER books, or watch the TV series?"

There were 503 responses to this month's poll. Thanks very much to everyone who participated!

  • 24.85% - Many times!
  • 22.07% - I got one or more of my close friends or family members addicted.
  • 9.34% - Of course! I enjoy being an OUTLANDER ambassador.
  • 7.36% - I've tried, but so far without success.
  • 4.17% - I've given copies of OUTLANDER to my friends or coworkers.
  • 3.78% - I've been spreading the word about the TV series and trying to get people to watch.
  • 2.19% - I've recommended OUTLANDER to strangers in the bookstore or library.
  • 1.19% - I've recommended the books on Facebook, Goodreads, or other online sites.
  • 1.59% - No, I haven't tried.
  • 0.20% - I got my book club to read OUTLANDER.
  • 22.47% - All of the above.
  • 0.80% - Other

Please take a moment to vote in the June poll, which asks, "How did you discover the OUTLANDER books?"


  1. Hi Karen have several times to get my friends and family to become a fan I gave the books to my cousin for Christmas one year , but so far they haven't become a fan like I am , so you have to respect other peoples likes and dislikes , please post more soon. happy Weekend. sincerely .
  2. Hi Karen have tried several times to get friends and family members to become a fans like I am of either the books or Tv series , but so far nothing , so you have to respect others peoples likes and dislikes . please post more soon. Happy Weekend. Sincerely .
  3. Thank you, Karen for the great job you do all the time!

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.