I've been interviewed!

Karen with Outlander fan sign

A few weeks ago I was contacted by Roma Sars, a fan in the Netherlands who runs the OUTLANDER Home Page fan site. She's doing a series of posts on "the fans who make it", taking a closer look at people who devote a lot of time and effort to OUTLANDER fandom, and she asked if I'd be willing to do an interview. Naturally I agreed, and the interview was posted today.


All the answers are in my own words. So if you want to know more about me, how OUTLANDER has affected my life, why I created Outlandish Observations in the first place, what I think about the books and the TV series, and much more, check it out here.

You can follow me on Facebook or Twitter.

Thanks, Roma!


  1. Hi Karen what a wonderful interview and you seem like a very warm person . I have been on Outlandish Observations for quite awile now and think its one of tbe very best Websites and blogs on Outlander . there are thousands out there especially since the Tv series helped make Outlander even more popular and I love yours the most and its has a lot of information that we fans love and so I hope you and your blog are around for a very long time .Keep up the great work . Sincerely .

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.