New cast members for OUTLANDER Season 4!

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Here are the latest additions to the cast of OUTLANDER Season 4!

Scottish actor Billy Boyd will play Gerald Forbes. Many of you will remember him as Pippin in the LORD OF THE RINGS movies.

Simona Brown will play Brianna's best friend, Gayle.  I think it's interesting that they've chosen to cast a black actress. My first thought on seeing her photo was, "Well, why not?" We know from the books that Bree had black friends in college, but we haven't seen them in the TV show until now.

Caitlin O'Ryan will play Lizzie Wemyss. I'm looking forward to seeing her in the show! Lizzie is an important part of the Fraser's Ridge community, and I love watching the way her character evolves gradually over the course of the series.

And finally, Natalie Simpson will play Jocasta's slave, Phaedre. She's a beautiful young woman, with lovely eyes and an intelligent expression. I'm looking forward to seeing her on TV!

For more information on the new cast members, look here.


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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.