Alamance Battleground needs your help!

Alamance Battleground

This week marks the 247th anniversary of the Battle of Alamance, featured in THE FIERY CROSS.

Here's part of an email that Diana Gabaldon posted on her Facebook page this morning:
The [North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources] has a unique but time-sensitive opportunity to purchase historically valuable land adjacent to our current Alamance Battleground State Historic Site ( The tracts of land for sale include the actual epicenter of where the Battle of Alamance was fought in addition to the lands utilized by the Regulators during the lead up to this pre-Revolutionary War Battle and their triage and retreat afterwards. Because these lands are already on the real estate market, the Department needs to raise funds quickly and has launched a crowd funding campaign (

Many of you will recall how important the Battle of Alamance, and its aftermath, was in the lives of Jamie, Claire, Roger, and Brianna. Please consider donating to the #SaveAlamance campaign through their GoFundMe page. Thanks!


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