Season 4 Casting: Tim Downie as Governor Tryon

Tim Downie

More OUTLANDER Season 4 casting news: Sam Heughan's friend Tim Downie has been cast as Governor William Tryon!

Please note the spelling: it's T-R-Y-O-N. I've seen many people on social media spelling his name as "Tyron" since the news broke yesterday, but that is incorrect.

Governor Tryon

William Tryon was a real historical figure, who served as governor of the Colony of North Carolina from 1765-1771. The governor's official residence, located in New Bern, NC, is known today as Tryon Palace. (It's worth a visit if you're in the area.) You can read more about Governor Tryon here.

Welcome, Tim! You can follow Tim Downie on Twitter at @TimDownie1.


  1. Hi Karen he sounds like a good choice and am reading "Drums of Autumn' this month and just read the part where Jamie and Governor Tryon discuss Jamie taking up land in the back country of NC and having tenenants live there , during Claire and Jamie 's dinner party with The Governor , will be watching season 4 this Fall . please post more soon. Happy weekend. Sincerely.
  2. Just visited Tryon Palace. Beautiful home. Beautiful city. I was wondering who was going to be cast.
  3. No one can cast the perfect set of characters. Each reader has the characters in her/his own mind but I must say, with few exceptions, the casting is done well. The only two I really don’t like so far (season 4 episode 5 is as far as I’ve gotten) are Brianna and Lizzie. Brianna is shorter than Claire. She’s suppose to be a veritable giant by 18th century standards. Lizzie is suppose to be this tiny, frail thing. I’m sure the two actresses playing these parts are very good but still disappointed in the choice.

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