Do you read excerpts and #DailyLines, or not?

Do you read excerpts or #DailyLines from Diana Gabaldon's upcoming books or stories, or not? And if not, why not?

I am a longtime excerpt-avoider, since 2008. But I used to devour snippets as eagerly as many of you do now for Book 9. I think it's fascinating that there's such a wide variety of responses to this particular question, and that some people change their opinions over time.

This question is the topic of the March poll on Outlandish Observations. I thought it would be interesting to see what you think.

Are you an excerpt-devourer, a #DailyLine addict, a diehard spoiler-avoider, or do you fall somewhere in between? And if you used to read excerpts but you don't anymore, what made you decide to stop?

Please take a moment to vote, and then come back and leave a comment here or on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page. Thanks!


  1. I read every excerpt about book 9 that I can find. In general spoilers do not upset me. I am a firm believer in "its the journey, not the destination." Spoilers may hint at or reveal a destination but will not take away from my ability to enjoy the journey.
  2. Hi Karen, I use to devour the daily snippets... but found when the book came out I was disappointed as I had fewer I quit!
  3. Hi Karen yes especially when Diana posts some of Book 9 and I love it when she does because it gives readers and fans a bot of what the book will look like when it finally is printed as a whole , and I wish she would do it more often , so yes , am reading "Drums of Autumn' this month , can't wait for season4 this year. please post more soon. Happy Week. sincerely.
  4. Haha, I'm the opposite of threadbender! I enjoy them and I find they don't take away from the story because the books are so huge. They're just a tiny part of the big picture.
  5. I truly enjoy Diana Gabaldon sharing with her readers. The daily lines keep me connected with the characters. Other book series I am reading do not do this so when the new book is published I find myself forgetting who is who or am disconnected for a few chapters. Dr. Gabaldon is a very smart lady. She know how to market her product.
  6. I voted used to read but don't anymore. I'm still interested in them, but my memory can't compete. Most of the times I find myself completely confused as to what character she's talking about. Also, I'm not afraid of spoilers because I know for a fact that she wouldnt post anything too spoilery, why would she ruin big plot twists and such? She's too smart for that.

    I will for sure reread the series as soon as book 9 release date is announced.
  7. I go through phases where I avoid them completely ... and other phases where I can't get enough.

    In order to avoid those "can't get enough" moments of weakness, I'm catching up on my TBR list, which is extensive!
  8. I don't like to read the excerpts. It's like torture! I wait until the book comes out and then read it cover to cover. I like to wait and binge all at once.

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