OUTLANDER marathon on STARZ, and a Season 4 preview!

Outlander season 3 marathon

STARZ will be running an OUTLANDER Season 3 marathon today (Sunday, January 14) starting at 9:05 am ET.

At the end of the marathon, at 10 pm ET, they will be showing a scene from Season 4!


  1. As an Optimum Cable customer, I happened to catch the tail end of a commercial advertising this Outlander marathon along with an exclusive scene preview of the coming season. An online search for this commercial located it here https://www.ispot.tv/ad/wHKm/starz-channel-outlander-optimum-customers.
    Rough transcript of the commercial:
    "Attention Optimum customers. You lost STARZ, so you lost Outlander. (Jamie shouting Claire!) That means you'll miss an exclusive scene from the upcoming season of Outlander following this Season 3 marathon. (Claire: "To all of those we have lost") Call Optimum now to get your $11.95 refund and tell them you want STARZ back. Call 844-71-STARZ now. KEEPSTARZ.COM"
  2. Hi Karen was so shocked when optimum dropped Starz and Outlander will try to see if I can watch season 4 with out optimum and will always love both the series and the books , please post more soon. Happy week. Sincerely .
  3. You can also watch all the Outlander episodes from all three seasons on the Starz app anytime. They have a free 7 day trial with an autorenewing iTunes subscription for $8.99 a month. It’s very easy to cancel your Starz subscription at any time in iTunes.

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.