Season 4 filming begins!

In all the excitement over Season 3, let's not forget that the OUTLANDER cast and crew are already hard at work on Season 4!

Today (October 9) is the first day of filming on OUTLANDER's 4th season. Please join me in wishing them all the best of luck!


  1. Hi Karen . when I first was introduced to the series I found "Drums of Autumn ' to be the best and found myself reading it more than the others in the series , and The Fiery Cross are my favorites , so this season I will be looking forward to will be reading "Voyager' on vacation in a week. please post more soon. Happy Week. sincerely.
  2. Hi Karen , before seeing the big Reunion episode of Outlander , I have a great movie for fans , its called "Somewhere In Time " is a movie that is very like Outlander , it has time-travel and romance in it and , and it's a very romantic movie ,it came out in 1980 , October and bombed by the critics but is now thanks to cable and DVD's its a cult classic , Christopher Reeve , and Jane Seymour are wonderful in it and the Grand Hotel on Mackanic Island MI , is a beautiful location , Christopher Plummer is in it too and the music is so outstanding that 's a one of the best and popular movie soundtracks , I saw it a few years ago and loved it , it has an old -romance and old movie feeling to it , but that's what makes it wonderful , since todays movies are so bad these days 'Somewhere In Time is a Jewel , so I highly recommended , this to all Outlander fans, you 'll love it , will be watching more Outlander soon. please post more soon. Sincerely .
  3. Hi Karen , wonder who will be playing Jamie's Aunt Jocasta and Stephen Bonnet , please post more soon. Happy Week. sincerely .

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.