25th Anniversary Edition of DRAGONFLY IN AMBER coming Oct. 24!

DRAGONFLY IN AMBER 25th Anniversary Edition

A special hardcover 25th Anniversary Edition of DRAGONFLY IN AMBER will be published on Tuesday, October 24, 2017!

From the product description on Amazon:
A beautifully designed collector’s edition of the second book in Diana Gabaldon’s blockbuster Outlander saga (now a Starz original series), featuring a new introduction by the author and a readers group guide.

Diana Gabaldon says this book will have the same type of faux-leather binding as the OUTLANDER 20th Anniversary Edition that was published in 2011. I hope it will also come with a ribbon bookmark!

You can pre-order the 25th Anniversary Edition of DRAGONFLY from Amazon or Barnes & Noble. If you'd like an autographed copy, you can order from the Poisoned Pen bookstore in Arizona. This is Diana Gabaldon's local independent bookstore, and they ship all over the world.

Please help spread the word to anyone you know who may be interested. Thanks!


  1. Thank you a perfect gift for OL readers
  2. Hi Karen , just in time for my birthday , on Halloween , can't wait to add this beautiful edition to my Outlander library , I hope they come out with an 25 Anniversary edition for Voyager in the near future , will be reading some of the book , this weekend. please post more soon. Happy Weekend. sincerely.
  3. Karen, I have a guess as to what the EAster egg on the ship in season three might be. It is something from the brothel in season two which was based on Dragonfly in AMber. I think that they might use one of the statues from the brothel as the figurehead of the ship. It is just a guess that popped into my mind . We will have to wait and see !!!

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