New Season 3 trailer: "Claire's Journey" (SPOILERS)

I haven't watched all of the OUTLANDER Season 3 trailers and video clips released in the last few days, but I made an exception for this one. I think it's very good!


  1. Hi Karen , Claire has always been a very strong person from season 1 and the first time you read the books you can tell that , she does what she think is her calling and telling her you can't do that or you can't only makes her more determined to do that very thing , my mother is the same way so wil be watching Claire do her thing in season3 this Fall , will be watching this Sunday , hope you are too. please post more soon. Sincerely.
  2. Hi Karen in a way Claire reminds me of my mother , very strong willed and when somebody tells her no or you can't do that , it only made her stronger in doing what she wanted , brings back memories for me , will be watching on Sunday , can't wait , please post more soon. Sincerely .
  3. Hi Karen Hurricane Irma is expected to hit Florida this weekend , its described as a monster , am very concerned for friends and relatives there, hope your family if they live there stay safe, will be watching season 3 this Sunday, please post more soon. Happy Week. Sincerely .
  4. Karen, thanks for this video. As Jamie says, Claire is a rare woman. I am so excited about season three starting in just a few days. The trailers that Inhave watched are great. I have also enjoyed the interviews that Sam and Cait have given.

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.