July poll results

Here are the results of the July poll, which asked the question, "Which is your favorite animal from Diana Gabaldon's books?"
  • 55.25% - Rollo
  • 11.62% - Adso
  • 11.62% - Clarence, the mule
  • 7.17% - The White Sow
  • 7.17% - Bouton
  • 3.58% - Donas
  • 0.72% - Lucas, the Friesian stallion
  • 0.56% - Gideon
  • 0.56% - Ping An, the pelican
  • 0.40% - Hiram, the goat
  • 0.16% - I'm new to OUTLANDER and haven't encountered any of these animals yet.
  • 1.19% - Other
There were 1256 responses to this month's poll. I've been featuring these monthly polls on Outlandish Observations since 2008, and I have to say, this has been one of the most competitive and most entertaining polls I've ever done.

True, the first-place winner was never in doubt (Rollo has a LOT of fans!), but what surprised me was how close the race for second place turned out to be. Clarence and Adso were only a couple of votes apart the entire time the poll was running, and I think it's fitting that the wee cheetie and the gregarious mule ended up tied for second place.

Thanks very much to everyone who participated!

Please take a moment to vote in the August poll, which asks the question, "Which NEW character are you most looking forward to seeing in OUTLANDER Season 3?" Thanks!


  1. Hi Karen the new character I'm going to be watching this season is Lord John Grey , he's been in the books and has his own series , that it will be interesting to see him in the flesh and the adult Fergus as well , will be reading Diana's new book until sept, hope August goes fast, please post more soon. Happy Week. sincerely ,
  2. Hi Karen the character I will be watching in season 3 this year will be Lord John Grey , he's been in the books along time , even has his own series now , so he will be one of the new characters fans will be watching , also Young Ian also has been a character that many fans have been reading about for so long that fans will be watching him too , this season will be the best one yet , hope the rest of the summer goes fast , please post more soon. Happy Week. Sincerely.
  3. I am looking forward to Lord John Grey portrayed by the vety handsome David Berry. I am anxious to see him bring Lord John to life.

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