SEVEN STONES makes the NY Times Bestseller List!

Diana Gabaldon's new story collection, SEVEN STONES TO STAND OR FALL, has made the NY Times Bestseller List!

Congratulations, Diana!!

For more information about SEVEN STONES TO STAND OR FALL, see my FAQ page here.


  1. I bought the book last week and planned to savor the stories and read slowly, but I could not put the book down. I have only two stories left to read.."Besieged" and "A Plague of Zombies." Lord John's obsession with Jamie always annoyed me in the big books, but I have a different view of him now that I have read some of the stories featuring his perspective. I still wish that he would find his own true love because Jamie and Claire are totally devoted to each other. I guess that Jamie is just irresistible to many humans. He is an easy person to love.
  2. Wow..I just saw the photo of Jamie and Claire and the premiere date of Season three on CompuServe. Great evocative. Cannot wait !!!
  3. Ohhhh..I just saw the new short trailer on twitter. Outstanding . Claire walking toward the stone , and Jamie leaning on the stone on on the other side. Lovely ! Excellent!

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