April poll results

Here are the results of the March poll, which asked the question, "What are you doing to pass the time until the OUTLANDER TV series resumes?"
  • 35.53% - All of the above.
  • 17.76% - Reading (or re-reading) Diana Gabaldon's books.
  • 7.46% - Listening to the OUTLANDER audiobooks.
  • 7.46% - Reading books by other authors.
  • 6.36% - Watching Seasons 1 and 2 again.
  • 5.48% - Following various OUTLANDER fan-sites, including Outlandish Observations.
  • 4.82% - Devouring any information I can find (trailers, photos, interviews, etc.) about the TV series.
  • 3.51% - Pursuing other hobbies or interests not related to OUTLANDER.
  • 3.07% - Focusing on family, work, or other commitments.
  • 2.41% - Hanging out on Diana Gabaldon's Facebook page or Compuserve.
  • 1.54% - Trying to get other people to read the books or watch the TV series.
  • 0.88% - I'm not interested in the OUTLANDER TV series.
  • 3.73% - Other
Here are the results for "Other":
  • Special Outlander project!
  • Do my Taxes ????
  • Spending time with friends met through Outlander groups
  • watching, re-reading, listening, following websites, buying book one for others.
  • #'s 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, above
  • Re-reading the books verrrrry sloooowly!
  • This is my hobby, my very first ever.
  • Watching Mercy St. (With Geneva)+ Victoria(with Laoghaire)
  • Most of the above!
  • Podcasts
  • I just finished re-reading all the books, and watched all the episodes again!
  • Not all, but many of the above.
  • All of the above except Devouring all, & Facebook
  • Rewatching seasons 1 and 2 as well as rereading the books.
  • Writing blog posts for "Scotch & Scones"
  • Following sites AND listening to Davina Porter while doing MPC
  • Going to Scotland
There were 456 responses to this month's poll. Thanks very much to everyone who participated!

Please take a moment to vote in the April poll, which asks the question, "Have you tried to get other people to read the OUTLANDER books, or watch the TV series?" Thanks!


  1. Hi Karen , I have tried imported Outander in to my life and try not to become too obssed with Outlander and for the past few months I've been reading the books and watching my DVD's , now I'm reading Scottish authors and reading Scottish romances and doing other things and it feels good and it makes me love Outlander more , please post more soon. Happy Weekend. Sincerely ,

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.