"Past Prologue", a new story by Diana Gabaldon and Steve Berry

Diana Gabaldon announced recently that she has a new story called "Past Prologue", featuring Jamie Fraser, coming out on June 13, 2017. This story was co-written by Diana and Steve Berry, and it will be published in an anthology called MATCHUP, edited by Lee Child.

According to Diana's announcement on Facebook:
MATCH-UP is an anthology of mystery/crime/thriller/etc. (mine is sort of etc....) stories, each one written by a pair of writers: one male, one female. Steve Berry and I teamed up to write a story called PAST PROLOGUE (he thought up the title; I did the plot and the first draft, he did the rewrite and we both proof-read it. The rest is up to you, I'm afraid...), which pairs Steve's main series character, Cotton Malone, with...Jamie Fraser.

For more information about the other stories in this anthology, look here.

You can pre-order MATCHUP from Amazon or Barnes & Noble, and it's also available from Amazon UK for those of you who live outside the US.

There is a brief excerpt from this story on Diana's Facebook page here.

And no, in case you're wondering, the fact that Diana Gabaldon has a story in this anthology is not slowing down her progress on GO TELL THE BEES THAT I AM GONE, Book 9 of the OUTLANDER series! Diana often says that she likes to work on multiple projects at once, to keep from getting writer's block.


  1. Hi Karen, thanks for the info , I love thrillers and mysteries and read them all of the time , so will be putting this on my Summer reading list as well as her other book due out this summer , is very exciting , will pre-order as soon as possible , please post more soon. Happy Week. Sincerely,
  2. Hi Karen , just put in my pre-order for this volume and as well for "Seven Stones Or Fall ' will be doing a lot of reading of new stories from Diana this summer can't wait , please post more soon. sincerely , Yours .

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