American Revolution Museum in Yorktown

Today, March 23, is the Grand Opening of the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown, VA!

From the museum's website:
The American Revolution Museum at Yorktown tells anew the story of the nation’s founding, from the twilight of the colonial period to the dawn of the Constitution and beyond. Exciting new indoor galleries feature period artifacts, immersive environments, interactive exhibits and films, including "The Siege of Yorktown," with a 180-degree surround screen and dramatic special effects.

This museum used to be called the Yorktown Victory Center.  When I visited there with my parents in 2013 (we had a wonderful time; see the detailed account here, with lots of photos), they were just beginning construction on the expanded museum that would one day become the American Revolution Museum, and my mom and I decided then that we would go back when the new museum opened.

I'm delighted to hear that it's opening at last, and I'm sure we will visit sometime soon, maybe later this spring.

If you like All Things 18th Century, as I know many of you do <g>, it's well worth a visit. The "living history" parts of the museum we saw in 2013 were excellent, very informative and fun, and I'm sure the new museum will have tons of interesting info about the Revolution and 18th century life.

It's located only a few miles from Williamsburg and Jamestown. (If you haven't visited Colonial Williamsburg, it's definitely worth seeing.)

On a related note, for those of you in the Philadelphia area, there is a new Museum of the American Revolution opening in Philly on April 19th.  I don't know much about it, but check out their website for more information.


  1. Hi Karen , this is very exciting to all of those of us who are reading the Outlander books and the books that deal with The early parts of the Revelution. , I wonder if Diana will use parts of the museum for research for Book #9 , I love museums that deal with 18th Life so this will be fun to visit , thanks for sharing, please post more soon. Happy Weekend, Sincerely.

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