"A Fugitive Green" is done!

Diana Gabaldon announced this week that she has finished writing "A Fugitive Green", her novella about Hal and Minnie, which takes place in 1744, during the time that Jamie and Claire were living in Paris.

When I asked Diana how long this story turned out to be, she said,
It's about 40,000 words--it'll be the longest novella in the collection.  I'm really pleased with it; it's not like anything else I've written, I don't think. <g>
Look here for links to excerpts from this story.

"A Fugitive Green" will be published on June 27, 2017, in the US, Canada, and the UK, as part of Diana Gabaldon's story collection, SEVEN STONES TO STAND OR FALL.

You can pre-order from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

For more information about SEVEN STONES TO STAND OR FALL, look here.


  1. Hi Karen , just wanted to wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. may you're Holiday Weekend be a wonderful one , and hope to hear from you soon. sincerely Yours
  2. Hi Karen wow ! this sounds great , will put in my pre-order in as soon as possible , will also be making room for this in my Outlander library , please post more soon. sincerely .

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