One more week to send in photos!

If you're thinking about entering the 2nd Annual Droughtlander Photo Contest, time is running out! The deadline to send in photos is midnight Eastern Time on Friday, November 18.

I've received 59 entries so far, from eight different countries, and I'm hoping for many more in this final week. Can't wait to share the photos with all of you!

You can see the contest announcement here. All you have to do to enter is email a photo containing one or more of Diana Gabaldon's books (in any format, including e-books or audiobooks) to, along with your name and a brief caption or description of the photo.


  1. Hi Karen , I tried to enter but my computer isn't working for some reason , but I can describe my Outlander library to you, I have the Outlander Series in Hardcover, plus paperback , plus the book in Audio CD , plus the Series both seasons 1 & 2, plus the cookbooks, and the making of Outlander book, and the Official Coloring books, plus other unique items, so I can honestly say that I'm a BIG Outlander fan, I'm just sorry I can't show it to you , can't wait to see the reults of the contest, please post the results soon. Happy Week, Love you Blog, Sincerely.
  2. Hi Mary,

    If you email me at, maybe we can find another way for you to get the photo to me. I know you want to participate and I'm sorry you are having computer problems.


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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.