New Season 2 key art!

In honor of Jamie and Claire's return to Scotland for the second half of OUTLANDER Season 2, STARZ has released new key art!

Click on the image for a bigger view. (Source: THR)


  1. Hi Karen , am glad to see Jamie & Claire back where they belong, I expect the net half of season 2 will be even more powerful , will try to watch to the end, please post more soon , love your Blog, Sincerely Yours. Mary Tormey.
  2. So glad we are returning to Scotland and Lallybroch and seeing some of our favorite characters return. Also looking forward to meeting that nasty Lord Lovat and seeing how Jamie and Claire deal with the "Old Fox". I know that we are on the death march to Culloden, but on the way Jamie and Claire will reconnect and heal and find some moments of happiness before they are separated by time and space. It will be a long wait for "Voyager" which is a balm for the sadness of "Dragonfly in Amber".

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.