Interview with OUTLANDER's French tutor

Many of you know that the OUTLANDER TV series has an official Gaelic consultant, Àdhamh Ó Broin, who works with the actors to make sure their Gaelic sounds as authentic as possible.  But did you know that OUTLANDER also has a French tutor named Guillaume Lecomte, who performs a similar service with the French bits in Season 2?

Here's a fascinating two-part interview with Guillaume Lecomte that was posted recently on OUTLANDER France's blog. Thanks very much to Camilla from OUTLANDER France for making the English translation available!

Part 1 in French
Part 1 in English

Part 2 in French
Part 2 in English

(Please note, the English translation files are stored on Google Docs. If you have trouble viewing those files on a a smartphone or tablet, try it on a desktop computer.)

I enjoyed this interview very much, and I think you will, too!


  1. Karen, this was VERY interesting...thanks for posting. I appreciate everyone's efforts to get the spoken French and accents as good as possible so much more now. Love hearing about the actors' different backgrounds! I know it's hard to speak in another language, more so to act, MORE so on film that records your effort for all time. And to hear of both Sam and Lionel, wanting to be good and afraid they wouldn't be.

    (Merci, Camilla!)

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.