Episode 208: "The Fox's Lair" (SPOILERS)

Here are my reactions to Episode 208 of the OUTLANDER TV series, titled "The Fox's Lair".


There are SPOILERS below! If you don't want to know yet, stop reading now.









I'll start by talking about the new opening credit sequence.

That's a stunning view of the snow-capped Scottish mountains! I hadn't realized quite how much I'd missed the gorgeous Scottish scenery from Season 1, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of it. Notice the car in the foreground. Could those tiny figures walking beside it be Roger and Bree? Intriguing.

I like the bit with the gentleman's hand placing models of the Jacobite forces on a map. And then in the very next shot, we see the actual Jacobite army, as if to remind us that these are real human beings who are in very real danger of dying in this conflict.

Interesting to see Claire driving toward the half-ruined Lallybroch in the next shot. (As for the house itself, I'm not worried. Put a new roof on it, fix it up inside, and it'll be fine, eventually. <g>)

Glad to see a quick glimpse of Claire stitching up a wounded man.

I like the added bits with the rearing horse and the potatoes, and the Jacobite soldiers raising their weapons. And I'll look forward to seeing the men in kilts running across the field, when we get to that point in the show. <g> (Though the thought occurs to me that those bare-chested men must be freezing, considering how cold it is in Scotland most of the time.)

Notice Murtagh in that last shot of the Jacobites, on the left-hand side of the screen, at "Over the sea to Skye."

I'm very much afraid that that brief shot of Jamie and Claire embracing might be from the farewell scenes. I hope I'm wrong, though.

Overall, I liked this new opening sequence, and I'm glad they went back to the original music.

Now, to the episode itself:

I like the opening shot of the fox. It has white hairs on its muzzle; does that mean it's an "Old Fox", like Lord Lovat? That would certainly be appropriate!

I love the quick glimpses of the Scottish scenery as we approach Lallybroch.

The potato harvest sequence is wonderful! Very much as I imagined from the book. I'm glad they included it.

The "mail call" scene that follows is also very well done. I liked Murtagh's line, "I canna believe I've become a farmer." And Jamie's shock at the letter from Charles Stuart was believable, if somewhat muted compared to the book.

I like the next scene, with Jamie and Claire on the hill overlooking Lallybroch, very much. We see a close-up of Jamie's maimed left hand, without a brace, for the first time since Wentworth. Several of the fingers do look a little crooked, though that might be my imagination.

"...and you will be hung as [a traitor], if they catch you." The word is "hanged". <sigh>

Interesting that Jamie, who had to be talked into the idea of trying to stop the Rising, is now attempting to convince Claire that they can still change the future.

"Because of you." This reminds me very strongly of this bit from one of my favorite chapters in THE FIERY CROSS:
"The future can be changed; I do it all the time.”

“Oh, aye?”

I rolled away a bit, to look at him.

“I do. Look at Mairi MacNeill. If I hadn’t been there last week, she would have died, and her twins with her. But I was there, and they didn’t."

(From THE FIERY CROSS by Diana Gabaldon, chapter 85, "Hearthfire". Copyright© 2001 by Diana Gabaldon. All rights reserved.)
When Jamie is stating his reasons for going to fight, I'm glad he said, "For our family" first.

"They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."
"Well, I dinna ken who 'they' are, but I'll wager 'they' have never travelled through time."

I like that.

The scene where Jamie announces that they're going to see Lord Lovat is very well done. Jenny and Jamie are a lot of fun to watch when they're arguing! <g>

"Father must be birling in his grave." That's a word I've never heard before, but according to this site, birling is a Scots expression meaning "to spin around, to revolve rapidly".

"He tried to have our mother kidnapped." This bit of backstory is not in the books, but I wouldn't put it past the Old Fox to attempt something like that.

"What would be foolish, Janet, would be to let pride stand in the way of doing whatever I can to save Lallybroch, Scotland, and everything we hold dear." - good line!

I liked the scene that follows, where Jamie admits that his father was a bastard. The dialogue here comes mostly from the book. By the way, in case you don't know, Jamie's paternal grandmother is listed in the OUTLANDISH COMPANION as Davina Porter, which is Diana Gabaldon's way of paying tribute to the very talented narrator of the OUTLANDER audiobooks. <g>

The scene with Jamie talking to the baby is just wonderful, and very much as I always imagined from the book. It's even more poignant now, with the loss of Faith still fresh in all our minds from Episode 207. So sad to think that Jamie will never get to hold any of his children as babies!

If you're wondering why Jamie refers to the baby as "Caitriona", Diana Gabaldon explained it on Compuserve as follows:
The baby's name is Katherine--which is Caitriona in Gaelic.
It's not a reference to Caitriona Balfe at all.

The scene where Jamie and Claire prepare to leave Lallybroch is not in the book, but I think it's terrific! I wonder if we'll see that rosary again in a future episode.

"Is that not what you told me, milady, that I will always have a home with you?"
"Yes, of course. But sometimes--"
"He's right. His place is no here, without us, nor in France on his own."

I love that! And I like the way Jamie refers to Murtagh as Fergus's "commanding officer".

I was totally not expecting Colum to be the one to greet Jamie and Claire on their arrival at Beaufort Castle! That came as a shock. Colum looks older than he did in Season 1, but he is still a formidable presence.

I liked the way Claire snatches her hand back from Colum's.

"It was my impression that you were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time." If he's sincere (and I'm not sure he is), then he has definitely changed his attitude since the witch-trial. And he actually had Laoghaire beaten for her role in getting Claire arrested for witchcraft? That surprised me.

Clive Russell is fabulous as Lord Lovat, the "Old Fox". The casting people continue to do a phenomenal job!

"Enough breath wasted on a woman. Leave us." I thought that was awfully curt of Lord Lovat. What happened to the famed Highland hospitality? Notice the glance Claire gives Jamie, and his very slight nod in return, indicating that she shouldn't make an issue of it. I love the fact that Jamie and Claire are back to the point in their relationship where they can read each other's subtle non-verbal cues like that.

What the hell is Laoghaire doing there?!? I wasn't expecting that at all, and I don't like it one bit. :-(

"My grandmother sent me along to wash [Colum's] laundry and help wherever I'm needed." No, I don't like this, at all.

When Laoghaire dropped to her knees to apologize, my first thought was that Book Claire would have reacted with embarrassment and tried to make her stand up. But TV Claire just stands there, staring at her.

God brought them together? Um, no, I really don't think so! Put the blame where it belongs, with Anne Kenney or whoever on the writing team came up with the idea for this plotline.

"How often have I thought about what I would do whenever I saw you again? I have fantasized all manner of violent acts that I would subject you to."

I really, really don't like this! It's wildly out of character, IMHO. It makes Claire look like a vengeful person, bitter and vindictive, fixated on this one incident from her past. In the book, by contrast, Claire puts Laoghaire pretty much out of her mind as soon as she recovers from the trauma of the witch-trial, and gets on with her life.

I kept thinking, "Come on, Claire, you're better than this!" And I was reminded instantly of one other time we've seen a character in the OUTLANDER books thinking similar thoughts: Lord John at Ardsmuir, imagining what he might do to Jamie as punishment for humiliating him at Prestonpans:
It had been visions of revenge that kept him tossing in his bed as the window lightened and the rain pattered on the sill; thoughts of Fraser confined to a tiny cell of freezing stone, kept naked through the winter nights, fed on slops, stripped and flogged in the courtyard of the prison. All that arrogant power humbled, reduced to groveling misery, dependent solely on his word for a moment’s relief.

Yes, he thought all those things, imagined them in vivid detail, reveled in them. He heard Fraser beg for mercy, imagined himself disdaining, haughty. He thought these things, and the spiked object turned over in his guts, piercing him with self-disgust.

(From VOYAGER by Diana Gabaldon, chapter 8, "Honor's Prisoner". Copyright© 1994 by Diana Gabaldon. All rights reserved.)
The difference being that Lord John imagined those things only in the privacy of his own thoughts. Claire said them out loud to Laoghaire's face, which seems to me to be much worse. It's unnecessarily cruel and mean-spirited, and the fact that Claire says that she pities Laoghaire doesn't make up for that.

I liked Jamie's reaction: "You're more forgiving than I am, Sassenach. I wouldna give that brazen besom the time of day."

I thought it was interesting, during the dinner scene, to hear the men speak of "the French" in such scornful tones, considering that we've just spent half the season in Paris.

"Cullions" is a new word to me. But as for "men who would sell their own grandmothers for half that amount", my thought was that it takes one to know one! Lord Lovat seems perfectly capable of doing such a thing.

Young Simon really does seem like a "mealy-mouthed wee smout". (I love that line. <g>) He comes across as a wimp, unable to stand up to his father, wilting at the first sign of Lovat's displeasure. Where is that famed Fraser stubbornness? Unlike the Young Simon in the book, who was eager to go to war, the young man we see here does not seem to have any clear motivations at all, at least none that I could see, and that made it easy for his father to dominate him.

The scene between Jamie and Lord Lovat is just wonderful! Tense and very well-acted. It's such a pleasure to watch these two stubborn, strong-willed, intelligent men go at it. <g> And it occurs to me that Jamie's prior dealings with his uncles and with the Comte St. Germain were good practice for this particular confrontation. The contrast between Jamie and Young Simon really could not be greater, IMHO.

I liked Jamie's reaction when Lovat called his mother a whore.

"And he chose her memory, and that place--"
"--over me."

He sounds incredulous at that rejection, and it's clear he's still bitter about it, even after all these years.

"Lallybroch, for your wife's honor."

Most of this part comes straight from the book, and I'm delighted that they were able to include so much of it. I loved the way the flames shot up when Jamie tossed the drink into the fire -- a very dramatic, and visually stunning, way to end the scene. Great job!

"You can't be seriously thinking about giving him what he wants!" My thoughts exactly. I'm amazed that Jamie would even consider it.

I really disliked this next part. The whole idea of using Laoghaire to boost Young Simon's confidence, with the goal that somehow this would enable him to stand up to his father, is both preposterous and contrived, IMHO.

"I'll not give up my maidenhead for you."

Well, no, she won't; according to what Laoghaire told Jamie in AN ECHO IN THE BONE (chapter 78, "Old Debts"), she lost her virginity to a man named John Robert MacLeod shortly after Jamie and Claire were married, but apparently the writers didn't know that. (See, there is a reason Diana Gabaldon calls me "Nitpicker-in-Chief". The TV series needs one, too, if you ask me. <g>)

Watching the scene with Jamie and Colum, I couldn't help thinking that Colum's argument sounded pretty convincing.

"My husband confided in me that his father sometimes exposed him to public scorn, to make him a better leader of men."

Book-readers will remember what Claire is referring to here, but I wonder what the TV viewers who have not read the books will make of this comment.

I have zero interest in Laoghaire's flirting with Young Simon, or vice versa. To me, it's just boring, and a waste of screen time.

I liked Claire's encounter with Maisri the seer, and I was happy to see that so much of this scene from the book made it into the show.

"It seems I canna get the men from Lovat without giving him my lands, so unless you're planning on declaring yourself a visitor from the future, describing what will happen if we dinna fight and win, I dinna see that I have much choice." Good line, though the implications of what he's saying are very disturbing.

The deed of sassine was a good idea, guaranteed to get the attention of most of the book fans, even if it has no particular significance yet to TV viewers who haven't read DRAGONFLY IN AMBER. It certainly grabbed my attention in a hurry!

So Jamie came within a heartbeat of signing away his family's land, his inheritance, and the future of all of the people at Lallybroch -- including Jenny and Ian and their family? I really, really don't like this! I don't believe for a moment that he would have done that. The Jamie we know from the books would have come up with another solution, some way out of the trap.

But he didn't, and so it falls to Claire to save the day (and Lallybroch) with her impersonation of a seer and her powers as La Dame Blanche.

When Lord Lovat rushed at Claire with his dirk, I thought immediately of Dougal and the scene in the attic of Culloden House. I hope they don't change the later scene on the grounds that it's too reminiscent of this one.

So in the end, Young Simon is the one who stops his father's attack on Claire, saying, "You and MacKenzie are fearful old men, and you're wrong. My cousin is right."

"Cousin" is not strictly accurate -- Young Simon is actually Jamie's "half-uncle" -- but it's close enough, especially when you consider that he is younger than Jamie.

I liked Colum's last line: "I think it's a blessing his mother didna live to see what a reckless fool she spawned." It seems to me that Colum should know a lot about reckless fools, given how close he is to his brother Dougal. <g>

And again we have yet another contrived scene with Laoghaire, obviously designed solely to set things up so that it's at least theoretically possible that Jamie might have a relationship with her many years later.

So Lord Lovat showed up at the troops' rendezvous point at the last minute, just in time to belittle his son in public yet again. How annoying! Let the young man have his moment, out of his father's shadow for once! Lovat's brief visit seemed to serve no purpose except to explain to Jamie and Claire that he would end up on the winning side of the war no matter what, and to make it clear that he still wanted Lallybroch.

And so, at the end, Jamie and Claire ride off to war together.

I enjoyed many parts of this episode, but it had some serious flaws. I had a strong negative reaction to the whole Laoghaire subplot, and I think on subsequent viewings I will be very tempted to fast-forward through all the Laoghaire scenes. I just don't think it was necessary to bring her back at all in Season 2, let alone to give her a major role in this episode.

I hope you've enjoyed this recap. Please come back next week to see my comments on Episode 209.

Here are my recaps of the previous Season 2 episodes:

Episode 201: Through a Glass, Darkly
Episode 202: Not in Scotland Anymore
Episode 203: Useful Occupations and Deceptions
Episode 204: La Dame Blanche
Episode 205: Untimely Resurrection
Episode 206: Best Laid Plans...
Episode 207: Faith

Look here for my recaps of all of the Season 1 episodes.


  1. Hi. Would like to think that perhaps Jamie did hold William as a baby,
  2. Well said. Totally agree on Leoghaire and Jame giving away Lallybroch. Poor writig & editing. Lack of attention to small details & a major screw-up in the plot line for future seasons. Not only did they jump the shark;they jumped 5 sharks in my opinion.
  3. Karen, I agree completely with most of your points. Laoghaire...no..just..no.

    My personal connection to OUtlander continues. I grew up on a farm, and my dad grew acres of potatoes. Thus,I have picked, sold, and eaten my fair share of potatoes. We had potatoes every day...baked, boiled, fried, French fried, mashed, scalloped, potato soup, potato pancakes, potato salad. Only Jamie FRaser could make potatoes sexy and romantic, so thanks on behalf of all the potato farmers.

    The actor playing LOrd Lovat was wonderfully terrible. Good casting . You could believe that Jamie had inherited his height , rugged good looks, and cunning from this old devil.

    I loved being back home at Lallybroch and seeing JAmie and CLaire's love and devotion evident again as they are surrounded by loved ones. Now, onward to the sadness of separation ahead. And....I appreciated a quick glimpse of shirtless Jamie , but I did not like LAoghaire sniffing his shirt. Ew. I could barely stand reading about their future together let alone watch it play out on the TV screen. How will I stand it?
  4. I think Jamie seeming ready to sign the deed of sasine was all part of the plan with Claire. And Lovat of course jumped at the opportunity to cover his bases.
  5. I don't agree with a lot of opinions here. The most important thing to me is I cringe when you mention books far ahead of the series. I believe so many of us are trying to catch up with the reading so we have both versions, I cringe when you do it. You say major spoilers at the beginning but I believe that looks like you are talking about spoiling the episode not the whole Zoutlander experience. Thanks a lot for telling me he will get with liaghaire later. I didn't want to know that until I read it or saw it. Maybe I don't need to read the books after all of you continue to give away future plot points. Are you just show off that you've read everything? Is your audience the readers? Anyway at the end of the episode it is explained by the writer of this episode something happens involving loaghaire is why she is introduced here. She is kind enough not rogue the whole thing away as you have done. Also if that girl had tried to have me burned at the stake, planted a false letter bringing her to where she'll be captured, I would have been furious. I could see through her pretense and knew she would not give up onJamie or her hatred of Claire. Why do you think the "book" Claire would not mind seeing her after how miserable she was in that prison. Correcting grammar? Hanged not hung? Really?
  6. Young Simon is Jamie's half-uncle. I know you meant to write that. People often used "cousin" for various levels of kinship. I was surprised by Laoghaire's appearance, but ... Claire has been through so much, she appears to be conforming to 18th century sensibilities. Why should she even think the girl is sincere? I liked the short shrift Jamie gave Laoghaire. We fans aren't thrilled by unexpected plot turns not in the books, but I don't feel the girl's appearance was a material defect. As always, you saw details I missed. Good work.
  7. I really loved this episode. I felt it brought us back to all the good, funny, sad and heartfelt feels of Scotland and Jamie and Claire's relationship. I too was unnerved at first by Claire's reaction to Laoighrie - until I realized that Jamie and Claire's exodus to Lallybroch may not have occurred when it did and therefore Jamie may not have hooked up with the watch and then consequently be captured and sent to Wentworth. In season one Jamie's narration talks about how one choice can set a mans life -his choice of Claire over Laoighrie is more fulfilling for him (and us) but is also filled with suffering. I can't help but believe that Claire's anger is not just for the harm that came to her from Laoighrie's actions but of what eventually happened to Jamie too. Seeing Laoghrie sniff Jamie's shirt was too funny -she can cry and ask for forgiveness all she wants and claim she's changed but she hasn't! I doubt I would have been able to deal with her after seeing thAt as calmly as Claire did! I'm not quite done with the first book now but I have jumped ahead and poked around to see how some things play out - I'm just too curious! I can see why she pops up in this episode! I'm enjoying the tv series for what it is and going back to get more details and twists and turns from the book. Thanks for all your insight!
  8. Fellow nit-picker here. In Gàidhlig it's spelled Catriona. The Irish Gaelic spelling is with the extra "i."
  9. Thank you so much for your recap. I couldn't add a thing. This was not a favorite episode for me. If, I'm to be perfect try honest, Faith has been the only episode that I really, really loved this series. I loved series 1 but series 2 is just not what I expected. I think I'm so spoiled by DG's beautiful books that it makes the series 2 deviations really hard for me to become more invested in. I know it is an adaptation but I wish we really could stick more to the central characters as DG wrote them-Jamie and Claire. I'm not blaming the actors in any way. Just MHO.
  10. I find it very hard to come to terms with TV Jamie knowing what Laoghaire did to Claire and then doing what he does in Voyager. It does not ring true to me.

    Also Claire's vengefulness is out of character.

    I don't see why they mess around with the books the way they do - it certainly does not tell a better story imo.
  11. Hi Karen , I found this episode disappointing in a lot of ways , one was the Lallybroch scenes went too fast , but liked them anyway , liked the scenes with the Potatoes also and the baby scene was beautiful, and the arguments between Jenny & Jamie over going to ask the "Old Fox " for help , believeable, Jamie felt that he didn't have much of a choiceeke . the scenes with Column were very well don't , and with the old Fox , didn't care for the scenes with Laoghaire , felt they were not believeable at all , liked the scenes with Jamie & his grandsire and was glad to see Jamie stand up to him at times, but felt too that Jamie would never have given him lallybroch in order to gain support for Prince Charles , and that Claire would have to save the day again , again not believable , also didn't believe that she'd try to get Young Simon interested in Laoghaire , was a waste , liked the way in finally Young Simon stood up to his father finally in supporting Prince Charles , but felt he was stronger in the book , the scenes in which Claire has Jamie thank Laoghaire , didn't care for , but liked the army going off to support Charles, especially since it was Memorial Day Weekend, perfect ending, I hope the next episode is a lot better, please post more soon, Sincerely Yours. Mary Tormey.
  12. Executive producer and developer, Ron D. Moore's podcast for Episode 2.08 with writer Anne Kenney explains a bit more about the inclusion of Lord Lovat's attempted kidnapping of Jamie & Jenny's mother:
    ff 09:28 Anne Kenny explains:
    ..."Lord Lovat is a real historical character, um, so that was interesting too to comb through the real history and then weave it in here. And at some point, he did in fact - wasn't of course Jamie's mother - but somebody had him kidnap their wife and take her out to the Monach Isles and leave her there. She spent the rest of her life out there because they wanted to get rid of her. And so it was kind of fun to take those little bits and plug them in here."...
  13. By elevating Laoghaire in Season 1 for dramatic effect in an effort to develop the supporting characters more fully, Ron Moore dug himself a hole and now he has to dig himself out with this Season 2 injection of Laoghaire. I don't blame Anne Kenney, she got her marching orders and did the best she could. It was too contrived. I can understand the dramatic choice to have Laoghaire portrayed as more scheming and spiteful, but the ramifications of that decision have a ripple effect and even Anne Kenney didn't sound convinced that this "quasi redemption" of Laoghaire will be sufficient to make what happens in Voyager plausible. If I put on my non-bookreader hat, all of this seems plausible given the version of Laoghaire we got in Season 1, that after a public beating and a good talking to by Mrs. Fitz that she sought redemption. Even Nell Hudson says that Laoghaire was fooling herself, that once she saw Jamie in the Great Hall, all the feelings for him came rushing back and what she really wanted was his forgiveness and his love. She knows that the only way to earn Jamie's forgiveness is to first earn Claire's. But will non-bookreaders believe the events of Voyager?

    I agree that although some reveled in Claire's vindictive response to Laoghaire, it is out of character for Claire and beneath her. Of course, TV Claire slaps Laoghaire for putting the ill wish under her bed and trying to seduce Jamie, then she screams at her during the witch trial, so for TV Claire, her response to Laoghaire in this episode is believable. This girl just brings out Claire's dark side. I also thought Jamie's willingness to sign away Lallybroch was out of character and they should have come up with something more intelligent than Claire's playing Le Dame Blanche in front of all those witnesses which was extremely dangerous. It is one thing to dissuade Lord Lovat from having Claire gang raped by telling him Claire is a White Lady, because he knows his grand-sire is superstitious. It is another to have a public display that could land Claire back in the thieves hole. Even though Jamie says that they didn't understand at the trial that she was not a witch, but one of the Auld Ones, such public displays are dangerous.
  14. I live in a farming area and know how farmers feel about their land. Our county has a land preservation program whereby farmers can put their land into preservation so that it can never be developed. That is what my sister and I did with our family farm because we knew that our dad would be "birling" in his grave if the farm he loved was ever deve!oped. Likewise, it is hard for me to believe the storyline of Jamie ever signing his family farm over to that scheming old fox.
  15. I agree that Laoghaire's role in this episode is unnecessary and intrusive. Jamie was most definitely NOT supposed to know about her part in Claire's arrest as a witch in Season 1 at this point in time. How the TV writer's will explain Jamie's actions next season will be interesting to see. I don't mind departures from the books that forward the story in the TV medium, but anything that weakens the strong qualities of Gabaldon's main characters (honesty, honorableness, kindness, fairness, emotional courage, compassion, etc.) sits poorly with me. Claire's attitudes, words, and actions toward Laoghaire in this episode do just that, as does Jamie's willingness to sign over Lallybroch to Lord Lovat. Those changes in this episode marred my enjoyment of it.
  16. I am a very faithful reader of the books and have enjoyed season one very much. Season two not so much though. Too many deviations from the characters we know and love. We love the books and totally understand Jamie and Claire. We recognize when the tv show shows them so out of character. It was not like Claire in the Appology scene with L and then again with Claire asking for her help. She would not believe L's very false claims of repentance, she is a much better judge of character to than to fall for that. She would not ask Jamie to thank the wench, she wouldn't watch her sniff Jamie's shirt and not realize what her true feelings still are for Jamie.
    I'm very very disappointed L was even in this episode, it is totally unnecessary to have her rear her evil head at this point. I don't understand why Ron thinks he needs to change the beautiful books so drastically. I am truly afraid of what he will do with that part of the story in Voyager....their marriage was loveless and a huge mistake but I don't think Ron will show it that way. It will be very heartbreaking if we have to see Jamie and L in a loving relationship...that would be TOTALLY WRONG..........probably enough to make me stop watching the show.
    This episode is such a disappointment after I had been anticipating their return to Scotland so eagerly.
    Stick to the books Ron, that is where the biggest fan base lies, we are who love these characters and know them so well.
  17. Karen,
    Please dinna be disheartened by the post by Ms. Myers. I like reading your re-caps, and I, too, have read the books (and re-read the parts that speak to my soul). Her comment that you post spoilers and then refer to the book ahead in the series is unfair and off-base. The fact that Jamie didn't know what "Leghair" had done was mentioned in the future books, and he even told Claire that he never would have married her had he known. That is an important event that is now affected by the events in this particular episode. Thank you for discussing them honestly. I also cringed at the incorrect use of the word 'hung.' ;-) When will people realize that words have meaning, and how you say something indicates your knowledge of their importance?
    Keep up the good work!
  18. Karen- I have finally caught up on your recaps and once again you are spot on! I was trying so hard this season to continue to champion the show! I love the acting! Sam & Cait have truly brought Jaime and Claire to life! However the total deviations from wonderful source material
    Of over 700 pages has just lost my confidence!!! You analyze what is bothering me as a book lover specifically and with perfect logic! Thank you for taking the time and for the references! The series needs a nit-picker for sure! And this ep had a J&C that were not true to the written characters!

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