"Virgins" standalone e-book will be published on April 8!

I just discovered that "Virgins" (Diana Gabaldon's story about Jamie and Ian as young mercenaries in France in 1740, before Jamie met Claire) will FINALLY be published as a standalone e-book on April 8, 2016! (That's the day before the OUTLANDER Season 2 premiere on STARZ.)

I'm really glad to see this. We've been waiting a long time! ("Virgins" was originally published in the DANGEROUS WOMEN anthology in 2013.)

Like Diana Gabaldon's other standalone e-books ("A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows", "The Space Between", etc.), "Virgins" will be available for $1.99.

Pre-order links:


Please note, I don't know if the standalone e-book will be available outside the US and Canada.

I hope they'll release the audio version of this story as a standalone as well. I've heard wonderful things about Allan Scott-Douglas's narration of "Virgins" (which is part of the audiobook of the DANGEROUS WOMEN anthology, where this story originally appeared) but I've never listened to it.

For more information about "Virgins", see my "Virgins" FAQ page.


  1. I borrowed the audio book of "Dangerous Women" from my library using Overdrive. Really enjoyed it. Thanks for the heads up on the e-book, just preordered mine.
  2. Hi Karen , this is very exciting , I had often wondered if Diana, had written about Jamie's early life , before meeting Claire and to read this on my Nook will be very exciting , Can't wait for this , please let us know when it will be available, Sincerely Yours , Mary Tormey.
  3. Mary - it will be available on April 9, 2016.

  4. Thanks, Karen. I do not own a Kindle or Nook, just a tablet. However, I read the comments about "Virgins" on Compuserve, and it sounds like a great story that provides insight into two young men at the start of their life journeys. It made me think of my hubby when I first met him when he was 17. Like Jamie, he was a diamond in the rough .
  5. Susanlynn, you can get the free kindle app for you tablet or phone and then download and read e-books.
    Or request the Dangerous Women book from your local library if you would rather read a 'real' book
  6. Thank you, LeeAnn. I will check the college library , but if I cannot get it there, I will try the app. I appreciate the help !
  7. Karen, I do not comment on Compuserve , but I have been lurking and reading new and old posts for several months. This morning I was reading comments about Laoghaire. Please let Vicki know that I share many of her opinions about this character and that I appreciate her sassy wit. A beau taught me to shoot a rifle when we were both 16. When he unexpectedly dumped me for my friend Ruthie...I did not take one of my dad's rifles and shoot him. I wanted to.... but I didn't. Rock on,Vicki.;)
  8. Susanlynn - LOL! Thanks, I'll pass that on to Vicki. :-)


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