Results of the Droughtlander Photo Contest!

I'm delighted to announce the results of the Droughtlander Photo Contest! I received a total of 150 photos, from all over the world (including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Finland, Germany, Israel, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, UK, and the US).

Thanks SO much to everyone who sent in photos! I think they're all terrific!

The contest winners (selected using a random number generator from are:

29) Jennifer Thompson - "At the lake is my favorite place to read the books. Photo taken at a Shawnee State Fishing Lake in Shawnee County, Kansas. A peaceful Fall evening at sunset waiting for the stars to come out."

93) Esther Bohlig (Germany): "I took this pic for your contest in 2013, but then life got in the way and I never got to send it. So, I guess here's my second chance! :D This was my DG-Collection back then and our oldest bear is reading to the younger ones. He's actually SO old, he needs glasses (just like I do). So there are my favourite books, my favourite fluffies and my favourite place for reading in that pic."

35) Martha Boschuk - "This is my first time read through... I became addicted after watching the TV series On Demand one weekend... (July 5th to be exact - I asked my friends on FB what they thought of the series and if it was worth the shot)... The next weekend (July 12th) I went out and purchased the first 3 books... And well... If you read Diana...You know... It's like potato chips... I couldn't stop... So... 6,707 Pages & 100 Days Later this is what it looks like... LOL! :-D Looking forward to reading the Novellas, The Exile & The LJG Series as well... Also... People ask me all the time what the tabs mean (I posted pics of the books as I finished them)... Here ya go... LOL! Red = Sex or Implied Sex, Purple = Kisses or Compliments, Green = Things That Made Me Laugh Out Loud or Smile, Blue = Clues, Further Research & Comments of Note, Yellow = AWESOMENESS ;-)"

Congratulations to all three of the contest winners! I've sent each of you an email asking for your mailing address, so I can arrange to have your prize shipped to you.

Thanks again to everyone who sent in photos and helped to get the word out about this contest. And to those of you who are relatively new to OUTLANDER, let me just say that this collection proves beyond a doubt what I have told newcomers on Compuserve for years:

"You're in good company here, believe me! Many of us, including me, are just as addicted as you are."


  1. Oh! That was fun! Great idea and some wonderful photos!
  2. Great pictures. Very interesting to look at them. Some With Diana GABALDON...what à chance!!
  3. Karen, I absolutely adore all the photos and the winners are so memorable. Thank you for bring our Outlander family together. !!
  4. It was fun I sent all my pics my print, digital audio and picture with Diana and me at breakfast at Book expo of America in NYC for people in book industry and was told I could only pick one picture I decided on my collection printbooks with pocketJamie and dragonflies and some other Scottish nic knacks. It was fun to see other peeps pics like myself,
  5. Great photo's! What did they win ?
  6. Thanks for having this contest, it was a lot of fun!
    Congrats to the winners, and thanks to everyone for great photos!

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.