Have you ever done this?

Browsing in Barnes & Noble yesterday, I spotted a display of Diana Gabaldon's OUTLANDER books that looked very much like this. (Photo by _booksandsuch_ on Instagram.)

What's wrong with this picture? Well, as any diehard fan of the series will tell you, the books are out of order! It bothered me enough that I took the time to carefully rearrange the books on the display rack to put them in order of publication.

Have you ever done that with Diana Gabaldon's books, in a bookstore or library?


  1. :) I think I would - if they were on display here in Finland!

    I had a hard time convincing my bookstore - Akateeminen Bookstore in Helsinki - to order the Outlandish Companion 2, based on the success of the Starz series here and therefor Diana Gabaldon's fabulous books!
  2. I do this every time I walk into a bookshop now. There is no way I can walk away knowing those poor books are out of order. I live in Australia so the Outlandish Companion is not released til 1st Dec. I have sent so many hints to my family for my Christmas present��
  3. Yes, I would definitely have to stop and put the books in order. I am currently reading the ninth book in the series and completely obsessed with all things Outlander . I love it verra much.
  4. @ Susannlyn ... ;) you must be clearvoyant, or are you Miss Gabaldon's lector for book 9?
  5. I've never been in a book shop which has all the books! Normally you might get one or two but never the full set which must be annoying for new readers ... and yes I would have rearranged them!
  6. Whoops...I guess that I am reading book #8 !!!

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.