Have you ever been to Scotland?

This month's poll asks the question, "Have you ever been to Scotland?"

I went on Judy Lowstuter's Celtic Journeys OUTLANDER Tour in 2012, along with my mom and my sister and a group of other OUTLANDER fans, and had a fabulous time! You can see my blog posts about the trip here. It really was the trip of a lifetime for me, and I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to go! (The photo of me below was taken at Culloden.)

What about the rest of you? Do you live in Scotland? Is a trip to Scotland on your bucket list? If you've been there before, would you like to go again? Have you visited any of the locations used in the filming of the OUTLANDER TV series, such as Castle Doune?

Please take a moment to vote in the November poll, and feel free to leave a comment here, or on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page, explaining your choice.


  1. I lived in Scotland between 1967-1969. Loved ever minute and was the best part of my childhood. I remember the fairie glens attending a 3 room school in Innelan and even my headmaster Mr. Muir. I am finally returning I 2016 and can't wait. Outlander has brought back so many memories of history and beauty. Thanks to Starz and Diana Gablafon for taking me back !!❤️❤️❤️
  2. Karen - did you rent a car to travel to the Culloden area? I plan on going there next year and not sure what is the best way to get to all areas of Scotland. I'd like to see the Isle of Skye and Glencoe too. Curious how you did it. Thanks!
  3. Hi Karen , I'd love to go to Scotland it's one of the two dream trips I'd love to take , the other is Ireland , love the Outlander Series, Mary Tormey.
  4. Anonymous - No, we didn't do any driving ourselves! I went with a tour group, and we traveled all around Scotland by bus.


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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.