Happy Birthday to a 98-year-old OUTLANDER fan!

This is Grandma Meister, who is celebrating her 98th birthday today. She's one of the oldest living OUTLANDER fans in the world!

I don't know her personally, but her daughter-in-law, Maryann, submitted this photo as part of the Droughtlander Photo Contest, with the following description:
This is Grandma Meister who will be celebrating her 98th birthday on November 16 (born in 1917).  Could she possibly be the oldest current Outlander reader on the planet?  Reading is going a little slow since she also loves softball and baseball and the playoffs and World Series are getting in the way. Grandma Meister is my mother-in-law and is well-known across the country as she used to travel up until last year following a high school aged girls' softball team and would often be seen cheering in her wheelchair all over the country. She was, and still is, quite a wild one in her day.

Please join me in wishing Grandma Meister a very happy birthday! If you're on Twitter, you can send birthday greetings to @jerseyinferno.


  1. Happy Birthday, Grandma Meister. We wish you a wonderful day and a year filled with love and happiness - and more good books.

    My mother Naomi Cox read the series at age 99, she was born April 13, 1916. She has always loved to read and really enjoyed the Outlander books. Little did we know that she would read them faster than any of us - often going back and re-reading chapters so she could be sure to remember all the characters. I was reading the series again and she read 3 books while I was still on the first.

    She is so excited for the next book to be released. I believe she'll be reading and enjoying it too.
  2. Happy Birthday, Grandma Meister!

    (Side note: wasn't Claire born in Oct 1918?)

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.