Announcing the Droughtlander Photo Contest!

Things have been pretty quiet in OUTLANDER fandom lately, as the #Droughtlander continues. We probably won't see Season 2 for five or six more months (no, we still don't have a premiere date!), and Diana Gabaldon is still in the early stages of writing Book 9.  So I thought it would be fun to have a Droughtlander Photo Contest, as a way to pass the time while we wait. I've done similar photo contests twice before, in 2012 and 2013, and I always enjoy seeing what everyone comes up with.

The Rules:

1) Submit a photo showing one of the following:
  • Yourself, a friend, or a family member (including children or pets!) reading or holding one of Diana Gabaldon's books.
  • Your OUTLANDER book collection (in any format, including e-books, audiobooks, etc.)
  • A well-loved paperback edition (you know, one of those books that's been read so often it's nearly falling apart...)
  • Your favorite place to read the books
  • The most unusual place you've read the books
  • etc.
Be creative! The only requirements are:
  • At least one of Diana Gabaldon's books must be included in the photo in order to qualify for the contest.
  • The photo must be one that you took yourself, or that you have permission to use.
2) Please email your photo to, with the subject line "OUTLANDER Photo Contest", and include:
  • Your name
  • A brief caption or description of the photo.  (If there's a story behind the photo, I'd love to hear it!)
  • Please state whether or not it's OK to share your photo.  (After the contest ends, I will post the photos in an album on Picasa, so that Diana Gabaldon and any fans who might be interested can see them. If you'd rather not have your photo included in this collection, that's fine, just let me know.  It won't affect your eligibility for the contest.)
3) Photos must be received by Saturday, November 7, 2015, at midnight Eastern Time. Winners will be chosen at random on November 8, 2015.

4) One entry per person, please!

5) You do not have to be a US resident in order to enter this contest.

The Prizes:

There will be three (3) prizes awarded. Each winner will receive his/her choice of ONE of the following:
Please contact me at, or leave a comment here, if you have any questions.  Good luck, and have fun!  I'm looking forward to seeing what everybody comes up with. <g>

PLEASE NOTE: I will acknowledge each entry as it's received with a reply by email.  If you sent in a photo but you did NOT get a reply back from me within 24 hours, please re-send it and make sure that you put "OUTLANDER Photo Contest" in the subject line, so I will know it's for the contest.  Thanks.

UPDATE 11/8/2015: The contest is now over. You can see the results, along with a slideshow of all of the contest entries, here. Many thanks to everyone who participated!!


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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.