OUTLANDER composer Bear McCreary nominated for an Emmy!

Congratulations to OUTLANDER composer Bear McCreary on being nominated for an Emmy Award for "Outstanding Musical Composition for a Series"!

It turned out to be OUTLANDER's only Emmy nomination this year. I know a lot of people will be disappointed to hear that, but I'm philosophical about it. The series is just getting started, and there's always next year!

I'm delighted that Bear McCreary's wonderful music for OUTLANDER is being recognized. Here's the opening title sequence, which still gives me shivers (in a good way!) a full year after I heard it for the first time.

For more about Bear McCreary, visit his website at www.bearmccreary.com. If you're not familiar with the OUTLANDER composer or his music, this is a good place to start.


  1. Congratulations to Bear McCreary. Karen, I agree that Outlander has just taken off and we need not be impatient for more awards.
    Thanks for your dedication in keeping us posted on all things Outlander! - Kathie
  2. I too was disappointed that Sam and Tobias did not receive Emmy nods. Such great acting!!
    I am fairly new to your blog and would like to thank you again for the Friday Fun Facts section. I am working my way through them now. I just finished watching season 1, am listening to Voyager and just finished my 2nd read of all 8 books. It is amazing how something in every FFF relates to something I just saw, heard, or read. Love, love, love it

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.