OUTLANDER Casting: Lionel Lingelser as King Louis XV

French actor Lionel Lingelser has been cast as King Louis XV in OUTLANDER Season 2! Here's the announcement.

The portrait above shows King Louis XV of France, as he looked in 1748, only four years after Jamie and Claire met him.
While the King might rise at dawn, apparently he blossomed at night. Not much taller than my own five feet six, Louis entered with the carriage of a much taller man, glancing left and right, nodding in gracious acknowledgment of his bowing subjects.Lionel Lingelser is only 31, a little younger than the real King Louis would have been in 1744, but I think he'll do fine. I'm looking forward to seeing him in Season 2!
Now this, I thought, looking him over, was a good deal more in line with my ideas of what a king ought to look like. Not particularly handsome, he acted as though he were; an impression enhanced not only by the richness of his clothes, but by the attitude of those around him. He wore the latest backswept wig, and his coat was cut velvet, embroidered all over with hundreds of frivolous silk butterflies. It was cut away at the middle to display a waistcoat of voluptuous cream-colored silk with diamond buttons, matching the wide, butterfly-shaped buckles on his shoes.
The dark, hooded eyes swept restlessly over the crowd, and the haughty Bourbon nose lifted as though smelling out any item of interest.
I had forgotten the red dress; His Majesty halted directly in front of me and bowed extravagantly, hand over his waist.
"Chère Madame!" he said. "We are enchanted."
(From DRAGONFLY IN AMBER by Diana Gabaldon, chapter 9, "The Splendors of Versailles". Copyright ©1992 by Diana Gabaldon. All rights reserved.)
(Please note: we still have no information on Brianna or Roger's casting. I promise I'll post here as soon as I hear anything.)