Gary Lewis and a website for learning Gaelic

Gary Lewis, who plays Colum MacKenzie in the OUTLANDER TV series, is promoting a website called that helps people learn Gaelic.

Gary says,
My role in Outlander has allowed me to gain my own respect for the language and the enhanced website is a great online resource which should help encourage other learners of the language.
I agree that looks like a wonderful resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the language!

The site has been around since 2011, but I'm sure it won't surprise any of you to learn that it's had a tremendous surge in interest over the past year, due in large part to the TV series. For more information about the site, look here.

I think Gary Lewis does a wonderful job with the Gaelic on the show. I was particularly impressed with his speech welcoming the clansmen in Episode 104, "The Gathering". I don't have a video clip of that scene, but here's Part 9 of the "How to speak OUTLANDER" video series. This one features Gary Lewis (Colum) and Graham McTavish (Dougal) teaching the rest of us the correct way to say the MacKenzie war cry, "TÙLACH ÀRD!"


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