REPOST: Culloden anniversary

Today is the 269th anniversary of the Battle of Culloden, which took place on April 16, 1746.

I like this video very much. (The song is "The Ghosts of Culloden", performed by Isla Grant.)

Diana Gabaldon noted in her blog post about her 2008 visit to Culloden that she saw the place where Jamie woke after the battle, thinking he was dead. When I asked her on Compuserve if she recalled where that was, exactly, she said,
Jamie made it almost to the second government line.  He woke in a little swale or dip (you recall he was lying in water), about forty feet off the path that leads from the Visitors Centre--maybe a couple of hundred yards beyond the VC itself.
The photo below shows the area where the government lines were, marked with a red flag.

I was lucky enough to be able to visit Culloden in 2012. It's an amazing place, and the Visitors Centre is very well done.


  1. And also the anniversary of when Diana finished MOBY, if I remember correctly.
  2. I visited Colluden Field some years ago. Sombre, eerie and very sad. Visitors were very quiet!
  3. yes it is an eerie sad place. This song gave me goosebumps. I miss Scotland so much.
  4. Is that a genuine Clan Fraser stone on Colluden Field?

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